Feet freckles

Nick Harrow

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been a diabetic type 2 for nearly 25 years, readings fairly well managed. Over the last 2 years I have noticed small freckles appearing around my toes on both feet and has gradually spread to above my ankles. Its not sore or uncomfortable it just looks like skin pigmentation. I am awaiting a referral to the dermatologist but in the meantime I thought I would put this out to see if anyone else has it or knows about it. Thanks
Welcome to the forum @Nick Harrow

Not something I’ve considered to be diabetes-related, but I have always had a variety of freckles / dots / marks appearing, especially as I’ve got older.

Not necessarily closely grouped though. Are yours unusually clustered together?
I’ve added the word ‘freckles’ into your title, to catch the eye of anyone who may have had the same experience?
My wife has noticed more freckles/age spots/liver spots, call them what you want, on her legs, hands etc and for her it's just about getting older.
She doesn't have diabetes and is very healthy, so just down to age ?
Horrid nasty brown spots. I've got a huge one on the side of my face. :(
Thanks for adding freckles.

The spots were spaced out but now they are closer together.

They are definetly not old age or liver spots. Someone said could be related to tablets I take.

My GP has called me back in this week so I might know more than.