Feet and fungus on nails.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i have fungus on my nails which I haven't really taken seriously. Now, after hearing about fungus on feet on this forum, wondering if it is quite serious and needs attention and, if so, how do I go about getting rid of this fungus? Type 2 diabetic.

I'm also getting some pain in my legs, near my heels and am not sure if this is Achilles heels or not? Am seeing the doctor in a week's time. Am very concerned about peripheral neuropathy because I know it is a very serious condition. What are the key signs to look out for?

I'm also seeing my doctor about possible plantar fasciitis on my left heel as was just dismissed by the last doctor I saw. How difficult would it be to diagnosed something like peripheral neuropathy if your foot sensitivity is affected? Can plantar fasciitis be cured and does it present a problem with regard to taking care of one's feet.
Lamisil cream for the fungus, but how do you know it's fungal LOL
You should go to see your GP, who can send a clipping off to be tested to see if it is a fungal infection. There are preparations you can buy in a pharmacy, but I gather these are not particularly effective. The best option seems to be a course of tablets, which you can take for 6 months or so.
My nails are sort of 'stained or discoloured' which I showed to a nurse some time ago and she informed me it was a fungus infection. I did get a clipping sent off and it came back clear even though the discolouration of the nails is still there? So not sure what to believe...??
Fungal nail infections often distort the growth of the nail itself too, with the end becoming fatter, layered and almost crumbly.

Can you get referred to a podiatrist? They are the real feet experts and will know what's what. You may also be able to find a local private one who will give your feet a good MOT for fairly small fee, if you can't wait for an NHS appointment.
Hi Lydia1960 can't help with anything on the fungal toenails but plantar fascilitus I had this condition for over a year and have to say it was absolutely agony. I had X-rays to rule out heel spurs, then was diagnosed with planta fascilitus it was one of the most painful things I've ever had. I spent months on painkillers and had 6 weeks of physio which didn't improve it at all. I could barely walk and had to buy certain shoes and trainers with wedges to help ease the pressure when placing the foot down. I had 6 weeks of laser treatment after many months being in such pain and it did help, along with buying supports etc. If I overdo walking I can still feel pain in my heel to this day.
Mum's got fungus, she had one big toe and now two big toes! I make her wear socks in bed, I'm scared to death of catching it. Nasty. They gave her stuff to paint on, but it doesn't seem to be doing much and we forget anyway.
Yes, I am seeing my GP soon, a different one, as the other has been quite indifferent and dismissive of my problems, some of which are quite serious conditions. I will mention my nails to this one. And, indeed, it might be a good idea to search some local podiatrists, check out their prices, and pop along to see them. I assume if something is found, the NHS would pay for its treatment?

Yeah, Barbara W. plantar fasciitis can be quite painful. I am using insoles which are easing the pain somewhat. Will speak to my doctor to see if I can get this prescribed as they can be quite costly. Have also a mini exercise bike which is better for me than doing so much walking in addition to my early exercise out in the communal garden. But you're right. It is a very serious condition and should be treated as such, with X-rays if necessary, but my other doctor just accepted my word that it was plantar fasciitis without even examining my foot. I found that deplorable..
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