Feeling Weaker Gradually

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Good Evening Everyone 🙂

Was just after a bit of advice not taking this as medical advice etc just putting the disclaimer in.

Last couple of weeks ive been gradually getting weaker energy becoming less, having to cut back in the gym with previous gains as I can't manage them at the moment. Generally more tired sleeping not great never really has been though. Headaches alot wanting to sleep more not that i nap during the day. Blood sugars are becoming more erratic to control at times levels are gradually rising after meals instead of staying steadyish.

Overnight levels have started rising again had some massive swings recently partly due to over treating as blood sugar rise was delayed then all ended coming in one big go. Have been messing about with basal to try and compensate no joy so far due to see nurses on Tuesday for check in so going to bring it up then. Time in range is also gradually falling from 85% to 70%

The last time I felt like this was the build to going into hospital with DKA in December last year. Have checked ketones all clear on that front. Also have had a slight increase in thirst and going to the toilet a little more. But nothing of the scale of last year.

I was just wondering if the above sounds diabetes related? My suspicion is that my honeymoon period might be starting to come to an end could be something else of course
If you’ve got an underlying infection of some sort, that could be making you feel tired and out of sorts, and quite often an infection will have a knock on effect on blood glucose levels, as the liver puts out more glucose in order to give you energy to fight off the infection. Probably worth running it past your GP.
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