feeling sunk

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I'm very shy not very good at talking I have posted a couple of times, but it was a while ago. I was diagnosed as having T2diabetes in June 2008 as well as anaemia. I read a lot of the posts on here, and they have helped a lot. I have just been recently diagnosed with stress and anxiety. I tend to bottle things up. I know I need to start talking about how I feel. I didn't think having diabetes was bothering me as I just get on with it. I realise now how much I hate having diabetes and anaemia and want it to go away.
Hi Rach nice to see you post hun and now you have we will help you as much as possible, I used to be very intrevert used to keep my feelings to myself and they would show themselves in other ways like bad moods meant i was throwing things around and it was doing me no good so since being diagnosed i have really come out of myself i talk as much as i can about how im feeling and i ask for help when i need it which i never thought i would do.I cant possibly imagine how it feels to be anemic i have known nobody with it or had any experiences with it so on top of your diabetes as well im not surprised you have been DX with stress and anxiety, were you given meds for it ? xx
All we can do we will just shout and we are here for you Rach you have been brave to post so well done hun xxx
I'm in the same boat Rachel, initially diagnosed as Type 2, they now know I'm a Type 1.5. I've always been anaemic too which is one of the reasons they decided to look again at my diagnosis. You'll find loads of support in here and we're a friendly bunch so there's no need to be shy.
Hi Rach, glad you posted 🙂 Sorry to hear of the new diagnosis, hopefully you will get some appropriate treatment and your health will improve. Don't be afraid to just join in, you probably feel as though you know a lot of us already! 🙂 If there's ever anything you're not sure about posting, then drop me a private message and I'll be happy to do what I can to help.

How have you been coping with the diabetes? Glad to hear that you have found the forum helpful, if there is anything specific troubling you, please ask away 🙂
Thanks for your replies.

Steff, For the stress and anxiety I'm taking nortryptiline, (spelling?)

Alison, I'm a bit thick, I have 4 children and with each pregnancy I was told I was anaemic and given Iron tablets. I thought anaemia was part of being pregnant. It's took me 14 years to realise that I've probably had it all my life.

Northerner, I thought I was coping OK until recently. I have blips that my doctor can't understand. I can have a couple of days where my BG keeps dropping, I'll need to eat every couple of hours just to keep them up. I get days where they're on the high side, and then I can cruise along at good levels. It is really confusing, my doctor has just referred me to an endo.
...Northerner, I thought I was coping OK until recently. I have blips that my doctor can't understand. I can have a couple of days where my BG keeps dropping, I'll need to eat every couple of hours just to keep them up. I get days where they're on the high side, and then I can cruise along at good levels. It is really confusing, my doctor has just referred me to an endo.

It does sound very odd - have you changed diabetes medication lately, or could it be an effect of the stress/anxiety meds? I hope you are able to get the endo appointment soon. Diabetes is such a complex thing, there are so many variations on a theme it must be very difficult for a GP to deal with anything other than cases which conform more closely to the textbooks.
Certainly sounds to me like pernicious anaemia, which is what I have. Perhaps you ask them to do a test for beta cell function while you're getting all the other tests done. If you have another autoimmune problem, such as the pernicious anaemia then you may not be type 2. It might be worth checking your family history as well. I discovered that none of mine have ever had type 2, though there was a great uncle who died in childhood from complications arising out of type 1.

NB: Pernicious just means it's permanent and not caused by being pregnant, or run down.
Hi Alison, when I see the endo will he not do a beta cell function test anyway?
hi rach an welcome to the forum. ive only been here a couple of months and its the best place 🙂, ive learned so much and everyone has been so helpful espessaly in my first few weeks when i had so many questions that i needed answered. i was also told i had pernicious anaemia at the same time as being told i was type 2 and i now get a b12 injection every 3 months for life. i never new i had it until routine bloods were taken.
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hello rach just caught up on your thread ...glad you decided to post ...just wanted to say that i have suffered from stress related depression for donkeys years there are quite a few of us on here so you are not alone. x
hi rach an welcome to the forum. ive only been here a couple of months and its the best place 🙂, ive learned so much and everyone has been so helpful espessaly in my first few weeks when i had so many questions that i needed answered. i was also told i had pernicious anaemia at the same time as being told i was type 2 and i now get a b12 injection every 3 months for life. i never new i had it until routine bloods were taken.

Hi Traceycat, thanks for your reply. Hope you don't mind me asking. What made your doctor decide it was penicious anaemia, and give you B12 injections. Since being diagnosed with D and anaemia I have had 2 courses of iron tablets. 3 a day - just finished last course but now my dr's put me on Vitamin B compound strong tablets 3 a day.
hi rach something that occured to me is that when i was pregnant both times i suffered aenmeia but found that i wasn't digesting the iron tablets so had to get...chelated iron (? spelling) it was a long while ago so cant remember the name ..maybe someone else on here will know more about it ?
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It does sound very odd - have you changed diabetes medication lately, or could it be an effect of the stress/anxiety meds? I hope you are able to get the endo appointment soon. Diabetes is such a complex thing, there are so many variations on a theme it must be very difficult for a GP to deal with anything other than cases which conform more closely to the textbooks.

Hi Northerner, I don't understand it myself - I've been on metformin for past couple of months. To be honest I'm just so fed up with it, I don't feel like testing at all at the moment. I was ill with a lung infection at the beginning of march and I was on antibiotics, can this cause sugar levels to drop as well as go up?
Hi Northerner, I don't understand it myself - I've been on metformin for past couple of months. To be honest I'm just so fed up with it, I don't feel like testing at all at the moment. I was ill with a lung infection at the beginning of march and I was on antibiotics, can this cause sugar levels to drop as well as go up?

I would say that any change in medications or if you are ill it can make your blood sugar control very unpredictable. Some people may be fine, whilst others go up and up, and yet others drop! All seems to depend on the mood of the diabetes fairy :( If circumstances are unusual, try not to let things get you down, just keep doing your normal tests and recording them - in this way you will have some reference point for the future and to discuss with your doctor. Constantly feeling under the weather can be a real drain on your motivation, I have experienced this myself, but work with your doctor and hopefully the right balance will be found. I hope it happens soon! 🙂
You're defiantely not alone Rach

I hate having diabetes with a passion. I've nearly lost my life because of it but am starting to accept that it is with me for life and doesn't restrict me in any way except joining the army and police which I never really wanted to do anyway!

I think most people resent having Diabetes but manage it and live full and happy lives.

Hope you're OK. x
Hi Northerner, I don't understand it myself - I've been on metformin for past couple of months. To be honest I'm just so fed up with it, I don't feel like testing at all at the moment. I was ill with a lung infection at the beginning of march and I was on antibiotics, can this cause sugar levels to drop as well as go up?

Any illness will send you BSLs mad. I know that if I have so much as a tummy ache, my BSL rises up. It's the body's way of coping with the infection.

Keep a close eye on your levels and alert your doctor of any worries you have. They're there to help! 🙂
Hi Rach,

Can't add anything to what has already been said really, except to say hello and I hope that you get some answers (it's the not knowing that gets me in a spin!).

Hi Traceycat, thanks for your reply. Hope you don't mind me asking. What made your doctor decide it was penicious anaemia, and give you B12 injections. Since being diagnosed with D and anaemia I have had 2 courses of iron tablets. 3 a day - just finished last course but now my dr's put me on Vitamin B compound strong tablets 3 a day.

it wasnt explained to me in great detail rach, i was told i have b12 deficancy, penicious anaemia and that ive probley had it for quite awhile. they did 2 blood tests to check for this an both came back low, i cant remember the name of the tests though sorry. i was given 4 injections, 1 every week for the first 4 weeks and now im on 1 every 3 months for life. i thought it would just be a matter of being put on vitamin and iron tablets aswel but doctor says its because my body dosent produce b12 that i need the injections to give me it. i hope you get it all sorted. xxx
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