Feeling Rubbish Again

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andys angel

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys Hope everyone is ok this morning.
Today is a bad day for me well i am on byetta and i went to the hospital for my review for it and i told the doctor it was making me feel sick like all the time but i get travel sick so i asked if i could go down from the 10 to the 5 and he says well if you do it will hinder your weight loss and will not be as effective to the treatment. so i go ok cos the doctors know best and i say i will give it another month to see how i feel and last night i felt so bad with the nausea it woke me up and i had to sit up in bed and try to fall asleep again, i just dont think i can handle this. i cant concentrate on anything and i dont want to eat i cant help it but i keep crying for no reason.
this morning i have had to wheaty bix and a banana and i still feel rubbish. it just feels like things are going from worse to worser i asked the doc if i could take something and he said just get used to it. Im just not sleeping at all that well and wake up at 5 every morning and i am contantly tired aswell.
i just wanna feel ok again i think i just need someone to say here your ok this is fine you will get over this at some point and things will be better
I care for my husband and dont get to see anyone i feel so alone i know he tries his best at loving me when im down but i just feel rubbish all the time recently. Well here i am tell you all but i just needed to write it down and i will pick myself back up and get on with it.
All my hugs to everyone
Hi Vic,
You poor thing! I dont know a lot about your meds because my son is type 1 - but i think (?) there is one that is a slow release or something and it stops the sick feeling - could you ask your gp for this one instead? I am sure there will be other type 2's with much better advice for you. Your not alone - there are lots of lovely helpful people on here and i am sure between us we can find a way to get you feeling better. This is the right place to come for a moan or a rant - I hope you start to feel better very soon and that someone with more knowledge than myself can point you in the right direction.🙂Bev x
Sorry you are feeling so bad and you have such an unsympathetic Dr. Drs don't always know best, could you get a second opinion or maybe speak to your GP about how badly your meds are making you feel. He/She may be able to suggest something.

Have you tried peppermint tea for the nausea it may help.

Some people swear that infusions of root ginger help - but I have never tried that - you could try an internet search.
Vic sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Nothing worse than an unsympathetic doctor 😡 I had a viral infection this week that left me feeling nauseous all the time. The doctor first suggested I just stop eating 🙄 but did give me a prescription for something to ease the nauseous feeling but I decided to try peppermint tea first and it did work. Just kept sipping it throughout the day. Hope you can get it sorted soon.
I hope you feel better soon. It sounds as thoe you have a lot to deal with. You made a brilliant start in telling us.

Try pepermint for the nausea, you can get capsules (some folks get them here on prescription) or tea which seems to work for all kinds of tummy upsets. If you have to go travel far, it might help to ask about travel sickness pills. I'm not on byetta, so can't comment about that. Do you take metformin as well? That cuses feelings of nasea. It does settle after a while, but you may lie to ask your doctor for slow release as it seems to suit some people better than the regular kind. Sometimes feelings of nausea are caused by ear problems (I get ear infections if I don't look after my ears) can cause feelings of sickness, so it might help to get your ears checked too.

If you don't get out to see people, maybe you could arrange for people to visit you some times? It might help.

I'm pretty sure lots of people here have times when they cry for no reason, I certainly do, so you are not alone.
I wonder if it is side-effects from the byetta? There is an alternative, I believe, called Victoza (liraglutide) which may be better - maybe ask your doctor about it.
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