Feeling rough after a hypo

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
OK, I had a hypo nearly an hour ago. Went down to 2.7. Had glucotabs and some oatcakes, and went up to 6.7.

It's nearly half 3 now, and I still feel absolutely rubbish :( I'm trying to do some fairly time-imperitive things for work, and I can't focus or seem to construct a sensible sentence out loud, and i just feel really really drained.

Anyone else ever take so long to feel right again afterwards?
Can't offer any help, but hope you feel better soon.
julie just relax and put everythingdown stop wat your doing go and settle on the sofa and take an hour or so out , breathe deep and stay calm x
Hey sacred,

Yep ive definitely felt like that many 'a time! sometimes ive felt bad for the rest of the day. If you've got time a lie down will definitely help. Hope you don't get the dreaded hypo-headache x

I sometimes get hypo's when I feel like that most of the day I just try and take it easy as possible and tell people how I'm feeling otherwise they just keep asking if i'm okay.Hope you feel a bit better later 😉

Emma x
I've only had one so far that I know for sure was a hypo. It left me wiped out and I struggled for the rest of the day. It scared me more than being hyper. Take it easy, rest if you can and have an early night.
Hi - i am feeling your pain!

Ive had two hypos today (second one because i did a stupid correction when i shouldnt have!) but also got a mountain of work to get through so just having to plough through the foggy headache and general yuckness until 5.15.

then im going home and wrapping myself up in my duvet on the sofa in front of the tv and demanding some tlc from the other half.

(Just had to eat a sachet of sugar at my desk because it was all i had - got some very funny looks from other people in the office!!)
I've had hypos like that where it just seems to wipe you out. :(

Have you tested your blood glucose to see if you've rebounded and ended up high? Sometimes that happens to me, and it leaves me feeling just as bad.

Hope you feel better soon.
I know it's a bit late now, but I would have tested again to check I wasn't hypo again. In the past I have had a hypo treated and then had another later but not had real hypo symptoms so just thoughts I was feeling crap from the earlier hypo.

hope you feel better now
Thanks for the replies guys....good to know that it's not just me. I was feeling a lot better about an hour ago. But now....yes, you guessed it. Hypo AGAIN 😡

Aw Becky, not again! They do say you're more prone to more hypos once you've had one - does seem to be true of me. Hope you don't feel so bad when you've treated this one and can get a nice restful night's sleep!🙂
i've just woken up from a nap feeling low :( and not just a FEELING low, this is a 'i know i'm low'. i've had a glass of juice and two biscuits. i should be right as rain, but i fancied an early night...i can't sleep when i'm hypo so i hope i shake this off quickly.

edit: northener, i was told that you're prone to another hypo soon after having one because your liver has kicked out all its reserves of glucose, it needs time to build it back up so whilst it's doing that you run the risk of going low again. makes sense i suppose.
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feel better soon guys *hugs*

That rough feeling after a hypo is the worst. That awful headache when you come out of one too. So many times have I spent the rest of the day feeling hungover because of a low
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