Feeling quite down today for first time in ages

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
It's not like me but i'm feeling a bit down today cos of my dreaded D :(

I should feel in a good mood really cos i've taken the pm off work and met my cousin at lunchtime today (we normally meet once a month) and we had a nice lunch like we normally do with a nice glass of wine but i think my 'down' feeling stems from me reading that article from the Daily Mail about the 47 yo triple amputee. I know we have to be made aware of these things so that we realise how serious diabetes can be if we do not control it but i have this fear that even if i am fairly well controlled that something horrible will still happen - i do try and think positive cos i like to think i am a happy person but when i have a moment to think i let my mind wander to 'what if this happens or that happens'. I don't feel as if i have diabetes cos i feel OK but this morning at work i dropped a box of stuff which just caught my foot and now one of my toes feels funny and i'm thinking oh no what damage have i done and starting to get paranoid but apart from living in a bubble to avoid accidents etc i can't think what else to do, thanks for listening!
Hi Carina, I think it's perfectly natural to feel like this from time to time. Remember that these feelings also affect non-diabetics. It's also natural to fear for the future and the unknown.

What I would say, however, is that since I have 'known' you, you have learned a great deal about how to manage your diabetes and what you need to do to stay healthy - including what checks to make and what foods and situations to avoid. You will also be being closely monitored by your healthcare team, so even non-diabetes related problems, should they occur, will be picked up sooner. Diabetes is not a good thing to have, but the changes you make because of it can encourage a far healthier lifestyle than you might otherwise have led - I know I have learned a great deal more about how the body works and good nutrition etc.!

So many people, despite the warnings, continue to live unhealthy lives and lay themselves open to many other problems in later life. I think our 'fright' has a bigger kick to it, so it can be hard to deal with that sometimes, knowing it won't go away.
I am sure you will feel better very soon.................all those feelings you are experiencing should go in time........everyones different right enough......i am aware of the complications and think i am ready for whatever diabetes throws at me as I know I have tried my best........11 years diagnosed though...

Hurting your toes or feet is just the same as if your not diabetic.....if you control is good, you will heal normally.......long term bad control causes nmicro vascular problems, so you will be fine.........

Keep smiling............:D
Hi Carina,

Sorry you're feeling down... diabetes is a pain, that's the thing... for what it's worth though, I've had it 31 yrs, a substantial part of that relatively poorly controlled due to being a kid on 2 injections a day, and I'm (relatively lol!) intact still... I think control methods are so good now that with the right motivation & support complications are not a forgone conclusion. 🙂

Sending you a big hug! (((())))
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Hi Carina sorry to hear your feeling down we are all human none of us are indistructable and i think any of us would be lying if we said diabetes did not get us down at times, I think your one of the most positive consciencious people on here if you know what i mean your always wanting to learn and know more and you seem to take things in your stride but yes we all have off days and your no diffirent hun its hard work coping with the day to day struggles of diabetes but with time and people guidance things will perk up again hun.
Keep strong xxx
thank you all for your lovely support. I think i know the root of my down feeling today, it would have been my mother's 81st birthday today if she had lived but unfortunately she died at age 74 though diabetes complications (that's what it said on her death certificate) she was admitted to hospital with heart failure and died 4 days later but i still think to this day that she could have been saved if she'd spoken up, she was one of these people that didn't want to 'bother' the doctor and was more concerned about looking after my disabled dad rather than putting her own health first. I think it's a combination of a few things for my feelings today, this what i've just mentioned, reading that awful article and the fact that i am still obese and struggling with my weight and feel like wading through treacle (hopefully though getting some help via GP) both my parents having died in their 70's (mother 74, dad 77) dad had stroke due to high BP but he didn't take his meds but it wasn't stroke that killed him it was liver cancer - also while i think about it why do we get lots of updated Health News (and thanks Northerner for these) but you read them and think oh good a breakthrough at last then everything goes quiet and we don't get the benefit of them all, are they just at early stages and being tested?
thank you all for your lovely support. I think i know the root of my down feeling today, it would have been my mother's 81st birthday today if she had lived but unfortunately she died at age 74 though diabetes complications (that's what it said on her death certificate) she was admitted to hospital with heart failure and died 4 days later but i still think to this day that she could have been saved if she'd spoken up, she was one of these people that didn't want to 'bother' the doctor and was more concerned about looking after my disabled dad rather than putting her own health first. I think it's a combination of a few things for my feelings today, this what i've just mentioned, reading that awful article and the fact that i am still obese and struggling with my weight and feel like wading through treacle (hopefully though getting some help via GP) both my parents having died in their 70's (mother 74, dad 77) dad had stroke due to high BP but he didn't take his meds but it wasn't stroke that killed him it was liver cancer - also while i think about it why do we get lots of updated Health News (and thanks Northerner for these) but you read them and think oh good a breakthrough at last then everything goes quiet and we don't get the benefit of them all, are they just at early stages and being tested?

Down days are rubbish, hopefully it wont last.

I stopped reading thing like that ages ago, i dont need to be scared about things like that. Id had diabetes about 2 months and i read something about a young girl with vry bad control who was blind at 23. It was really her own fault but at the time i thought i was doomed, and soon id never be able to see anymore.
Thats totally wrong , nearly had it 5 years and im pretty healthy. I have highs and lows (blood sugars) but dont we all,. Im not blind, like she was in the same amount of time.

As long as you do your best, and are aware well you should be fine, and if your not at least you did your best and lived life as best as you could.

Hi carina, hope you feel better soon.
Di x
Hi Carina,

I have chatted to you already, so will just send you a big hug.
You are doing everything you need to be doing and doing it very well.
One way of looking at things is that because you are under the GP/Nurse, they will be keeping a much closer eye on you than someone who hasn't been diagnosed with anything at all - and just continues along with life, not knowing.

Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Hi Carina,

I am sorry to hear you are feeling so down, hope you are feeling better soon (((hugs))) xxx
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