Feeling proud but still slightly struggling!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So it is around a month since I was diagnosed with T2. Since diagnosis I have started making some lifestyle changes and they seem to be working which is very encouraging.

My average readings are now 9-10mmol which have come down considerably from readings of 15ish. I am not on medication but have already shifted 6lb by altering my diet and having smaller portion sizes as well as using a portion plate. I have been eating fresh fish, lots of vegetables, fruits and eating natural yoghurt as well as drinking lots of water.

My main struggle is evenings around 7-10pm, breakfast I am fine, lunch I am fine, evening meal I am fine but snacking in the evening I am still craving biscuits/chocolate rather than the healthier alternative. Are there any tips to combat the evening 'munchies'?

Thank you all
I have exactly the same problem. My late night snacks have included Greek yoghurt, tinned fish, sliced ham and far too much cheese. Lidl’s dolce Gorgonzola is just sublime.
Hi and congratulations on the great progress you have made so far.

Are these times when you are sitting watching TV? Could it be a habit rather than a real craving. If so can you change your routine to help overcome it?
Have you tried getting up and going for a walk or doing some other exercise within the house or reading a book or doing some craft work to engage your mind and your hands.

If you must have a snack, how about some cheese with or without olives or pickled onions or a boiled egg and some mayonnaise or a pickled egg or some cooked meat and coleslaw. Ideally something which is higher protein and fat and low carb. If it is a chocolate craving, how about a square of really dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids or higher), perhaps with a spoon of crunchy peanut butter to make it more satisfying. If you break it into quarters and eat it slowly it will last longer.
What are you having for your evening meal? Could it be that the carbs you are having then are causing your levels to spike and then drop, making you crave some more carbs to raise your levels again?

The solution will be in finding the reason for the craving and then finding a way to get around that.
I have exactly the same problem. My late night snacks have included Greek yoghurt, tinned fish, sliced ham and far too much cheese. Lidl’s dolce Gorgonzola is just sublime.
I really like the picante Gorgonzola from Lidl but must confess I haven't tried the dolce! I think I tend to like foods with a bit of "bite" rather than too smooth and creamy.
Are you making sure you are eating enough protein and healthy fats as part of your evening meal, you could have a desert rather than snacking later. Kvarg deserts, high protein flavoured yoghurt, sugar free jelly with berries in and cream or try eating a bit later, you could have a nice coffee with cream.
Hi all, as an example my daily diet could be:

Porridge with blueberries
Tuna and salad with a satsuma after
Salmon or haddock filet, 4 new potatoes, loads of veg
Evening snack
Greek yoghurt, fruit

I am not sure if I am getting enough actual protein as I have been pretty obsessed with cutting carbs to a minimum.
Hi all, as an example my daily diet could be:

Porridge with blueberries
Tuna and salad with a satsuma after
Salmon or haddock filet, 4 new potatoes, loads of veg
Evening snack
Greek yoghurt, fruit

I am not sure if I am getting enough actual protein as I have been pretty obsessed with cutting carbs to a minimum.
That looks quite good as far as your reduction in carbs but does look a bit slim on fats and protein depending on your portion size of the fish. If you don't eat meat then adding eggs and cheese into your menu, having butter on your veg.
Things like chilli, curry, casseroles can be low carb and very filling.
That looks quite good as far as your reduction in carbs but does look a bit slim on fats and protein depending on your portion size of the fish. If you don't eat meat then adding eggs and cheese into your menu, having butter on your veg.
Things like chilli, curry, casseroles can be low carb and very filling.
I think I have been so obsessed with weight loss I have slightly been neglecting having a little of what I like. It is almost as though I am saying to myself "must not have anything high fat, must stick to the plan"

Although I am not on medication (first actual Diabetes appointment is 09th April where I guess they will review) I have had slightly light headiness during the day as I may not be getting enough correct foods. Tonight I ensured I had chicken breast fillets, potatoes (4 small new potatoes) lots of veg and tonight I am going to have some yoghurt.

I do eat meat, I love it, but tonight was the first time in over week I have had any. I also love eggs so maybe I will try and have poached eggs for breakfast or hard boiled on salads.

This is all new to me, as well as coming to terms with being a diabetic I am trying to lose weight but do not want to get to the stage where I am obsessing and worrying
I think I have been so obsessed with weight loss I have slightly been neglecting having a little of what I like. It is almost as though I am saying to myself "must not have anything high fat, must stick to the plan"

Although I am not on medication (first actual Diabetes appointment is 09th April where I guess they will review) I have had slightly light headiness during the day as I may not be getting enough correct foods. Tonight I ensured I had chicken breast fillets, potatoes (4 small new potatoes) lots of veg and tonight I am going to have some yoghurt.

I do eat meat, I love it, but tonight was the first time in over week I have had any. I also love eggs so maybe I will try and have poached eggs for breakfast or hard boiled on salads.

This is all new to me, as well as coming to terms with being a diabetic I am trying to lose weight but do not want to get to the stage where I am obsessing and worrying
It is better to reduce your carbs gradually as a sudden drop in blood glucose can cause issues with your eyes and nerves.
There is no need to have low fat and meals based on meat, fish, (both pretty well zero carb) eggs, cheese, dairy, nuts with veg and salads with fruits like berries.
Have a look at this link for low carb approach and you will see there are plenty of foods you can have for tasty meals. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
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