Feeling positive!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone. Had my NHS eye exam last week, first one, got a letter today saying no sign of retina damage, feeling smug!
Got first follow up since diagnosis meeting with DB nurse on Tuesday, had bloods taken on Friday.
Have been working hard at food over past 13 weeks, exercise taken a bit of a dive but have lost 10 Kg since mid January and am now in normal bmi range. Meter predicting HbAC1 of 38 which would be great down from 53 mmol/mol but am apprehensive, wonder how close its going to be? I can say in a hopeful encouraging way to others that following a different diet hasn't been that taxing and am enjoying the different choices, love the green tea. Feeling so much better, sleep like a log, can leap out of bed and be instantly awake in 2 min, have more energy, better frame of mind, don't get tired, kind of feel 10 years younger, am hoping that will all last.
Having a massive battle giving up smoking, really hard, my will power is terrible on this front, trying to convince myself that if I do I will feel another 10 years younger, maybe even a teenager again? Lol!
Good job, well done! I'd say don't worry about the actual figure too much, if it's heading in the right direction, that's the main thing....

I'm envious of your bike - original Z? 😉
Hello everyone. Had my NHS eye exam last week, first one, got a letter today saying no sign of retina damage, feeling smug!
Got first follow up since diagnosis meeting with DB nurse on Tuesday, had bloods taken on Friday.
Have been working hard at food over past 13 weeks, exercise taken a bit of a dive but have lost 10 Kg since mid January and am now in normal bmi range. Meter predicting HbAC1 of 38 which would be great down from 53 mmol/mol but am apprehensive, wonder how close its going to be? I can say in a hopeful encouraging way to others that following a different diet hasn't been that taxing and am enjoying the different choices, love the green tea. Feeling so much better, sleep like a log, can leap out of bed and be instantly awake in 2 min, have more energy, better frame of mind, don't get tired, kind of feel 10 years younger, am hoping that will all last.
Having a massive battle giving up smoking, really hard, my will power is terrible on this front, trying to convince myself that if I do I will feel another 10 years younger, maybe even a teenager again? Lol!
Well done, I wish I could lose weight but struggling, I packed in smoking 10 year ago when I got rushed in hospital with a suspected heart attack, thankfully it wasn’t but the doctor told me if I didn’t stop smoking I would probably get the real thing, I have met touched a cigarette since that day
Usually my meter reading is a little more than Hba1c. I suppose because i am lower overnight and not testing then.
Well done on what you have achieved so far.
I gave up smoking just before i was diagnosed. I smoked for 40 years and enjoyed it and didnt think i would ever manage to give up. I didn't vape or use patches, just willpower. I didn't realise how it affected me until a month or two later and i realised how much easier it was to exercise and not get out of breath which was an encouragement to carry on. I am now 2 years smoke free. So i wish you luck in trying to give up, maybe you will feel even younger/better if you manage it.
@Dave_Z1a My father smoked heavily for most of his life, until he began to pass out slowly - called a 'brown out' and he found that he could, after all, stop smoking.
Not long after that he realised jut how much money he had burnt. He mourned for all the things we could have done as a family, the things he could have bought for the house - my mum never had a fridge - and the cars we could have had, the holidays, but it was all too late.
He had always been puzzled that when his children left home we all three bought houses and cars within a couple of years. None of us smoked.
I can only advise - stop smoking and save the money you'd have wasted on cigarettes for some good purpose.
I don't think people realise how much the smell of smoke lingers on their clothes or things they have in their house, I once lent a book to a student who lived at home with her family who all smoked and when she returned it it smelt of smoke.
I moved onto vaping almost 3 years ago and despite all the scaremongering you see about, my lungs will tell you that they are MUCH happier with the choice (as well as my bank account).
When I feel ready to kick the vaping, I will reduce my now small amount of nicotine in my juice and wean off it.
Now n again I get a proper ciggy craving but its fairly easy to resist and passes quickly.

Maybe a route to explore if you are majorly struggling. Happy to have a chat with you if that's the route you want to go and tell you what I use. Its a minefield out there with options 🙂
@Kreator Yes original Z1a 900, 1974 usa import, bought it in a tatty state for something to do during lockdown, 46 years old now, an old lady but still plenty of go!
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement people, much appreciated, this forum has helped me a lot. I don't feel knowledgable enough yet to post many replies as I'm just a noob.
@gll yes looking at vape things but very confusing, don't quite understand it all your input would be most welcome! I never smoke in the house or round my daughter of course, am a bit furtive!
@Drummer yes your right of course, costs a fortune nowadays and I wish I never did, appart from my one beer a day its my only vice, I am not a heavy smoker but still a smoker, most of the people I used to scuba dive with were as well! To be honest its got me through some very difficult times being a single parent, my wife's terrible illness and passing together with my poor parents health issues and horrible untimely deaths, still I guess thats just all excuses and if I want to be around to walk my daughter down the isle I had better sort myself out now.
I use 2 devices:

My "main" one is the rmp40 and I had to replace my (same model) spare and the store didn't have one but did have the nord 2 and they use the same coils so it sorta works out okay. Still planning on buying another rpm40.

I like those because they use a refillable pod. I can have multiple pods on the go with diff flavours and have 2 identical devices and switch them between them when one is on charge. (you can buy more replacement/extra pods)
Swapping a pod is literally pulling it out and slotting it back in. Not at all fiddly.
The only maintenance is really pop in a new coil when its starting to get burnt out (not running the vape juice out and keeping it topped off helps prolong life) and giving it a bit of a wash out when changing the coil. (the pod is all plastic so can be washed and left somewhere to dry off).

Coils. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B088K712N7 according to amazon I've bought replacement coils 5 times total (so they last a while). I use the mesh coils as they last longer 😉
When using a coil for the first time, its good practice to get your bottle of juice and put a few drops in the holes where you can see the cotton, pop it in your pod, fill it up and let it sit for 20 mins. Helps to soak the cotton before using, less chance of it burning out before using it. That's across the board for any vape device you get, wick and soak it before use.
Just to note it doesn't burn as in set on fire, just tastes horrid and the cotton is noticeably grey/black/ when you lift out the coil.

Both devices have some adjustable settings to make it hotter or cooler. Enough of an option but nothing overly complicated. (can give you my settings if you go for it as a starting point)

Because it is refillable, you can buy pretty much any vape juice you choose. (unlike some pod devices that tie you to using their non refillable ones). Defo wouldn't recommend convenience shop juice or even pound shop stuff. They tend to be really strong nicotine wise and never had one that's nice.
I buy from: https://www.onepoundeliquid.com/collections/e-liquids-shortfill-e-liquid-high-vg-vape-juice and I go for the shortfills (50ml) (you need to add a nic shot for each one purchased and its free with shortfill purchases).
At home all you need to do is empty the nic shot into the shortfill bottle, close and mix by shaking it. (you can buy a bottle opener designed for vape bottles which makes life easier for a couple of quid)
In the uk they cant sell more than 10ml pre mixed with nicotine hence buying them separately.
Its £4 for a bottle and I tend to buy 6 at a time and that does me 6-8 weeks or so.
That site also does pre mixed small bottles for £1 which is good to get a feel for what you like.

Not all juices are created equally. I find the site I use is decent (but had better) but best value for money. VPZ (high street shop) has some amazing flavours but its £30 for 3 bottles so it is more of a treat for me getting that.
The sweet/dessert type flavours tend to burn out your coil faster. I personally go for the fruit pastel types, blue raspberry or other berry flavours.

As for making the switch from ciggys to vape...
You will cough. Partially because of the gunk loosening like it would when quitting smoking and partially because you are putting something new into your lungs and it will complain. Persevere is what I would say here.
The other reason can be too harsh settings wise or too high nicotine strength.
I go for standard nic shot in a shortfill which works out at about 3mg if you were buying a 10ml bottle pre mixed. You can of course buy a second bottle of nic shot to bump up the nicotine.
You wont get that throaty hit like when you take a big draw on a ciggy (that ahhh moment) but should be able to stay on top of the main nicotine cravings fairly easily and adjust.

So shopping list would be one of the devices and some vape juice (either few small bottles pre mixed with nicotine or a shortfil and a nic shot)
Don't worry about spare coils right now, just grab some if you get on with it. They come with pod and coil to get going with in the box.
£30 will get you going and you can see what you want from there.

There are a ton of fancy mods and tanks and gear you can move up to if you want but what I listed should get you started at least.
I gave up with tanks and mods and stuff and went for simple and convenient 😉.

I used to smoke 20+ a day so defo wasn't a light smoker. Its the longest I have stayed ciggy free ever. (3 years in august).

My own disclaimer:
I am aware long term testing hasn't been done on vaping but there are something like 97% less harmful stuff in vape juice than ciggys.
I personally would rather go with the one with the least harmful stuff in over ciggys with known outcomes of doom and gloom.
I would never recommend vaping to anyone who doesn't currently smoke, putting anything in your lungs other than air isn't a good thing. 🙂

If you have any questions, ask away 🙂
Lovely to read such a positive post @Dave_Z1a

Good luck with your attempts to stop smoking. Sounds like you have a strong motivation!
Hello everyone. Had my NHS eye exam last week, first one, got a letter today saying no sign of retina damage, feeling smug!
Got first follow up since diagnosis meeting with DB nurse on Tuesday, had bloods taken on Friday.
Have been working hard at food over past 13 weeks, exercise taken a bit of a dive but have lost 10 Kg since mid January and am now in normal bmi range. Meter predicting HbAC1 of 38 which would be great down from 53 mmol/mol but am apprehensive, wonder how close its going to be? I can say in a hopeful encouraging way to others that following a different diet hasn't been that taxing and am enjoying the different choices, love the green tea. Feeling so much better, sleep like a log, can leap out of bed and be instantly awake in 2 min, have more energy, better frame of mind, don't get tired, kind of feel 10 years younger, am hoping that will all last.
Having a massive battle giving up smoking, really hard, my will power is terrible on this front, trying to convince myself that if I do I will feel another 10 years younger, maybe even a teenager again? Lol!

Very well done losing weight & getting hba1c down, great result. Really need to pack cigs in mate, they ruin lives.
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@gll wow, thanks for that, will print it off and study, thanks for the time and trouble you took for the detailed reply, much appreciated!
AC1 result today, nurse amazed at loss of 7 kg and down from 53 to 41 in just thirteen weeks! Trouble is doc left a message saying potassium is high, whatever that means, if its not one thing its another, yet another blood test required to check. Been gorging on peanuts, maybe thats the problem.
Great result! Many congratulations. Not sure what the high potassium means but hope it is just a transient thing and is back to normal by the time they do another test. Keep up the good work.
AC1 result today, nurse amazed at loss of 7 kg and down from 53 to 41 in just thirteen weeks! Trouble is doc left a message saying potassium is high, whatever that means, if its not one thing its another, yet another blood test required to check. Been gorging on peanuts, maybe thats the problem.
I had that, potassium high, folate was low, but then fine on the repeat test. Just ask and see what they say.
Oh, thank you both, nice words, touched, I am really feeling part of a family on here, lovely people, helps a lot, x to you all.
Hello everyone. Had my NHS eye exam last week, first one, got a letter today saying no sign of retina damage, feeling smug!
Got first follow up since diagnosis meeting with DB nurse on Tuesday, had bloods taken on Friday.
Have been working hard at food over past 13 weeks, exercise taken a bit of a dive but have lost 10 Kg since mid January and am now in normal bmi range. Meter predicting HbAC1 of 38 which would be great down from 53 mmol/mol but am apprehensive, wonder how close its going to be? I can say in a hopeful encouraging way to others that following a different diet hasn't been that taxing and am enjoying the different choices, love the green tea. Feeling so much better, sleep like a log, can leap out of bed and be instantly awake in 2 min, have more energy, better frame of mind, don't get tired, kind of feel 10 years younger, am hoping that will all last.
Having a massive battle giving up smoking, really hard, my will power is terrible on this front, trying to convince myself that if I do I will feel another 10 years younger, maybe even a teenager again? Lol!
same as me trying to give up smoking
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