Feeling positive

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Even though in March my hba1c had risen from 44 to 53 and cholestrol had risen, (dad died last year and went off plan big time) but I've addressed all that, still grieving but I'm now at a gym and go 3 times per week, only been for 5 weeks, (unsure If I'm loosing weight as I've not weighed myself) joining the gym along with better diet was mostly to get my numbers down and if I lose weight then that's a bonus, just hoping my numbers are down by the time my bloods are done in mid July, had a brilliant 2 hour workout today and feel so much better, physically and mentally.
Best workout today by far. ️‍♀️‍♀️


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Well done on your positive outlook Marie. I can understand you going off plan...I did the same myself last October when my dad died and it took me until January to get back up and at it! If you keep up with your changes, you should be fine come July. Best wishes x
Good job @Marie1986 ! When starting gym, a lot of it in the beginning is habit-building and consistency. Some days are a 'power-through' moment while others will give you that positive 'high' and a sense of achievement. As Vonny said - you should be just fine for July, so keep at it! 2 hours can be a challenge so the fact that you're still saying positive things after it is a very good sign! I have a love/hate relationship with the gym myself right now so seeing others succeed is a huge inspiration :D
Well done on your positive outlook Marie. I can understand you going off plan...I did the same myself last October when my dad died and it took me until January to get back up and at it! If you keep up with your changes, you should be fine come July. Best wishes x
Aww thanks so much, grief is horrible, but Can only look forward now and try and live a healthy lifestyle x
Good job @Marie1986 ! When starting gym, a lot of it in the beginning is habit-building and consistency. Some days are a 'power-through' moment while others will give you that positive 'high' and a sense of achievement. As Vonny said - you should be just fine for July, so keep at it! 2 hours can be a challenge so the fact that you're still saying positive things after it is a very good sign! I have a love/hate relationship with the gym myself right now so seeing others succeed is a huge inspiration :D
Awww thanks so much, normally do between an hour and an hour and a half, but pushed myself today, rest day tomorrow then back to it Thurs, I'm really enjoying the gym, and I'm trying my best to eat better, do have off days but that's life and nobody is perfect. All I can do is try and gey these numbers down, diabetic nurse is happy with hba1c at 48 or below so fingers crossed for that and also for my cholestrol, she said exercise is best thing with lowering cholesterol, so will see. X
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