Feeling poorly

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Nothing to do with diabetes but sickenss and the un-spellable! problem is i really cant think about eating. i will try some toast but even that sounds awful. working today so cant stay in bed.
Am worried that i will feel hypo in a few hours if i don't eat but feel sick if i do.

Help x
aw cant you ring in sick even , nothiing worse then feeling rubbish and you have a days worrk ahead of yoy
No steff i own the company, dont feel ill enough not to work just worried about later in the day.
I hope you feel better. How does soup sound? It is not exactly food and may even stop you having a hypo later.

There are a lot of viruses going round with all kinds of symptoms. Everyone I know who's felt like you do has had it for 24-48 hours and then felt better.
Hi I hope you start to feel better soon 🙂 I was like this for a while not long ago , have you tried plain biscuits , something like rich tea ? or as someone mentioned soup ? , if you really cant eat anything at all what about sipping fruit juice regularly during the day until you feel able to stomach food. 🙂
Nothing to do with diabetes but sickenss and the un-spellable! problem is i really cant think about eating. i will try some toast but even that sounds awful. working today so cant stay in bed.
Am worried that i will feel hypo in a few hours if i don't eat but feel sick if i do.

Help x

Hi Julie...

Sorry to hear you not feeling well, with the dreaded sickness and the other.
Hun..if you are not well...phone in work and have the day off....please.
A cure/brilliant treatment that I have found with both myself, nathan and have recommended it to loads of other..and it works a treat..in fact it was a Doctor who advised me to do this....

Flat full sugar coke...now I realise all on here are diabetic, parents or carers.

But if you pour the coke into a glass..and a tiny amount of sugar..to take the fizz out...Not only will it steralise your stomach and gut..we all know what it does to a dirty penny...it will rehydrate you..ie pure glucose..and prevent hypo's..until you can eat proper food...The results are best if repeated every hour....150ml of coke at a time is about right.

Hope you feel better soon

Thanks guys. I had some toast and a glass of oj. At work now but taking it easy. Forgot mter at home but did make a sandwich for later. Do feel better but can barely read the text in this message as its too fuzzy.
OH bringing meter up later!

Will keep flatcoke in mind yuck!

Julie x
Hope your feeling better soon. Just keep drinking and only eat if you can stomach it. Oj is great for stopping your levels from dropping.🙂Bev x
keep us all posted on how you got on through the day Julie x
Will do steff. Gabi sent text before work to say make sure I brng food and drink but she is so good she bought a banana and vimto for me in case I didn't! Its great working with somene who knows about diabetes.

Crikey not felt ill since diagnoses ( non diabetic ill) diidnt know what a pain and worry it is! Lol
Glad to see you about, feeling better yourself?

Julie x
Will do steff. Gabi sent text before work to say make sure I brng food and drink but she is so good she bought a banana and vimto for me in case I didn't! Its great working with somene who knows about diabetes.

Crikey not felt ill since diagnoses ( non diabetic ill) diidnt know what a pain and worry it is! Lol
Glad to see you about, feeling better yourself?

Julie x
hi hun you just typed out what you typed earlier
I'm using my phone and it has a life of its own! . Says need to press send but has already done it. Ill switch to laptop. Lol
lolol i will never fully figure out technology
Will do steff. Gabi sent text before work to say make sure I brng food and drink but she is so good she bought a banana and vimto for me in case I didn't! Its great working with somene who knows about diabetes.

Crikey not felt ill since diagnoses ( non diabetic ill) diidnt know what a pain and worry it is! Lol
Glad to see you about, feeling better yourself?

Julie x

Nice to know I'm not at top of redundancy list!!!🙂
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