Feeling peckish? How skipping can banish hunger by making you feel full up

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It brings a whole new meaning to the expression 'skipping meals'.
But it turns out that spending just a few minutes skipping with a rope could be the perfect way to curb your appetite and get slim.
New research shows that resorting to the playground pastime is one of the best ways of banishing hunger pangs and reducing calorie intake.

Volunteers who took part in a study to see which form of exercise had the most powerful effect on appetite were much less likely to snack if they skipped for a few minutes than if they rode a bicycle.
Although the activity - hugely popular with both amateur and professional boxers - is known for being an excellent form of aerobic exercise, this is believed to be the first time scientists have demonstrated its powerful effect on hunger.

I haven't tried to skip since about 2001, when I found I couldn't any more - much like my trying to ride a bike again.
oh ooh Northerner! I can't really ride either! I tried when I was 7 and gave up! I've only been on a bike once since then (a few years ago - I got on the seat, rode 20metres then fell off!)

oh ooh Northerner! I can't really ride either! I tried when I was 7 and gave up! I've only been on a bike once since then (a few years ago - I got on the seat, rode 20metres then fell off!)


Glad it's not just me! 🙂
Nope - I could ride one but not very well when I was approx 9.

When I was 59 I tried and could just about stay up, but still couldn't stop and was even scareder of falling off ..... and what are these gear things about then, if you look down to change up or down you do a massive wobble.

I wonder if I'm slightly dyspraxic? - Seriously. I could be cos I've never been able to catch etc very successfully unless I really really concentrate. EG Tennis - blooming ACE server - yes, literally.

But let someone return the ruddy thing - just forget it. I can't return a serve even if it's patted.

Not bad at boules though. Or darts once I get me eye in, but no other movement involved in either of those, are there?
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