Feeling out of sorts....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Have been feeling out of sorts for a couple of weeks now and it seems to be getting slowly worse. It's hard to pin it down other than lack of motivation to do anything and a lack of energy and general malaise also feel a bit snappy. On paper though everything looks fantastic though. Daily BG testing is showing good numbers, weight waaay down, blood pressure also falling. But....

Couldn't sleep yesterday so had an energy boasting breakfast of homemade wholemeal wrap with avocado, peanut butter and lettuce with a double espresso and went for a stupid early run along the Canal. Nothing fast, zone 3 but normally I would have really enjoyed it especially with the sun coming up but just couldn't get into it. While checking a mile split on my watch I misjudged a curb and went arse over tit. Scrapped my knee and elbow. Couldn't restart the run despite trying. Walked to a friend's who luckily was up and had 2 toasted cinnamon & raisin bagels with butter. Realised I didn't have my Metformin so had to skip my morning dose (2×500mg)

Spent the morning doing Saturday type errands. Had a 12" vegetarian pizza for lunch at 1:45 but by 3:30 felt hungry so had two mini pork pies and a 90g bar of chocolate. Was in F&M to fill up my water bottle but saw the bakery section was 1/2 price so bought a chocolate brownie as a mid week treat but after a nibble ate the whole thing. Supper at 7 and was 12 bits of quality bought in (white rice) sushi. Definitely not a normal day of eating as I don't normally buy/eat takeaway type food. Also its probably the most carbs I've eaten in a day for at least 3 months.

Should I be increasing my carbs* or reduce my excersise?** Garmin tells me I burnt 2,632 cals yesterday and did 58,268 steps.

Can low carb be a reason I've been feeling so rotten?

*obviously chocolate, bagels & white rice wouldn't be my first choice in carbs if I did increase them.

** I'm NOT an excersise junkie just enjoy recreational running for its mental/health benefits as I get older.
As you are on Metformin have you had your B12 levels checked?
Sorry to hear you’ve had a bit of a wobble @indio02

What you have described sounds a bit like some of my periods of low mood and making “hang it all” choices - even if I think they aren’t great options long-term. Low energy, low interest. Short temper, and occasionally the bottled-up pressure breaks out with some slightly self-destructive behaviours and choices.

Did you measure your glucose during the day with your additional carbs?

Do you think you have been feeling too restricted and frustrated with your menu? That can be very wearing long term, and make it hard to sustain the approach.

Maybe there’s a middle-ground with some additional carbs, but perhaps healthier choices?
I know you are probably not going as low on carbs as to be Keto but reducing carbs substantially quite quickly can give symptoms such as Headache, foggy brain, fatigue, irritability, nausea, difficulty sleeping, and constipation which people refer to as Keto flu which is not recognized by medicine. It can be caused by dehydration as people often lose fluids when they reduce carbs so the first bit of weight they lose is fluids.
Especially if you are running make sure you stay hydrated.
Sorry to hear you’ve had a bit of a wobble @indio02

What you have described sounds a bit like some of my periods of low mood and making “hang it all” choices - even if I think they aren’t great options long-term. Low energy, low interest. Short temper, and occasionally the bottled-up pressure breaks out with some slightly self-destructive behaviours and choices.
Thanks for the reply and sorry for taking a few days to reply. I needed a bit of time to get my head around things.

It's sort of occurred to me that firstly there was an assumption something was wrong, then the first test that came back as raised, then the second which gave a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. Then the anger of 'damn what have I done to myself!". The fear of the long term implications. I kinda shook myself out of that and used it as motivation to get my diet, exercise and lifestyle into a good place. I've lost just over 4 stone and am within about 1/2 stone of Dr.'s target although I'd like to lose about another stone.

All well and good but I think those initial feelings especially the motivation to sort things out have gone or at least greatly diminished to the point I feel I'm just left with the Type 2.... which feels horribly bleak. I can't ever imagine being overweight again and don't think I'm going to have any any issues maintaining where I am now.

I guess it's now a thing of just accepting that I have what I have and managing it as best as I can.
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