Feeling 'medicalised'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I guess it's because it's just over a year since I was diagnosed, and I'm having all my 3-monthly, 6-monthly and annual checks going on at the moment, but it has been getting to me a bit lately. Next on the list is retinopathy scan next week. I spent nearly 50 years without any real medical contact apart from the odd broken limb, so it's still sinking in, I suppose. By the way, I'm not suggesting that I think people who have had it for many years are lucky in any way, in fact you are an inspiration.

I'm also developing a somewhat irrational fear of unexpected higher numbers. It's irrational because I know they're not that bad, but they still upset me. For example, I definitely felt low earlier on today. It was 6 hours after my breakfast and I expected to see 2.x or 3.x - it was 7.7! Maybe I was just disappointed because I couldn't have some jelly babies...

Grrr!!!! OK, rant over!😱
you have a choice!

Your frequency of visits is partly down to your preferences. After getting thoroughly p####d off by the hospital that diagnosed me, (only previous medical contact when someone lobbed a snowball into my eye when aged 13 years) I didn't go to any clinic for about 6 years, partly because of moving house so much in those years. I only went to GP for driving licences checks and dropped repeat prescription requests through GP postbox with SAE. Now I attend hospital clinic for annual review, which includes digital retinopathy screening. They offer more frequent appointments, but I'm happy with the current situation.
I understand what you are saying, but I also need the reassurance of the various checks. Plus, I am still having issues with side effects of medications, so am also seeing my GP, on top of all the actual diabetes stuff (although, obviously the medication is related).
I understand what you are saying, but I also need the reassurance of the various checks. Plus, I am still having issues with side effects of medications, so am also seeing my GP, on top of all the actual diabetes stuff (although, obviously the medication is related).

Hi Northerner,

You have done brilliant to come as far as you have in just over a year.. Take all the appointments that are offered to you..as long as you are happy that is all that matters.

On your note about the jelly babies....sometimes we all need a treat...:D...and with such great results that come with very hard work..give in to the temptation....lol

How often do you go for your HbA1c? At my hospital if your result is as good as yours they would say come back in 6 months.

You should have had a treat earlier and taken an extra jab 😉 go on, be wild! :D
How often do you go for your HbA1c? At my hospital if your result is as good as yours they would say come back in 6 months.

You should have had a treat earlier and taken an extra jab 😉 go on, be wild! :D

I had to think about it, because it's only been a year, but I know of four HbA1c values! But actually, it's right. It was
  1. 11.8 at diagnosis
  2. 6.7 six weeks later
  3. 5.3 six months after that
  4. 5.2 six months after that

So, it's every 6 months.

I should have an extra jab now and again, shouldn't I? Think I'll drink some beer tonight!🙂
I had to think about it, because it's only been a year, but I know of four HbA1c values! But actually, it's right. It was
  1. 11.8 at diagnosis
  2. 6.7 six weeks later
  3. 5.3 six months after that
  4. 5.2 six months after that

So, it's every 6 months.

I should have an extra jab now and again, shouldn't I? Think I'll drink some beer tonight!🙂

Maybe they will say see you next year next time you go? :D

I know exactly what you mean though. I never used to go to the doctor and now I feel like I live there and the hospital is like my second home! I don't even go that often (well I seem to keep going to the GP lately, grr!).
On your note about the jelly babies....sometimes we all need a treat...

I agree Heidi but one day I treated myself to some JellyBabies that had been long awaiting a visiting hiding in my Fridge with all the rest of my Emergency Food and I felt quite sick after eating them (only a small bag)!! :( I was SO looking fwd to them aswell. My next mission is to find an alternative.
So far, on my list is:
  • Jelly Beans
  • Jelly Tots
    and of course...
  • Gluco Tabs
  • Dextrosol Tabs
Northerner, i know just what you mean! I have visited the hospital and gp's more in the last 8 months than i have in a lifetime! Our 'family diary' is just full of appointments - and there will be a lot more soon when he starts pumping, but i know its all worth it and i actually feel quite grateful to have such medical help, when you look at third world countries etc. If we lived in India, insulin would have to be bought privately and if you cant afford it - you do without!:(
I do sympathise though, and i think you should have treats now and again - you cant be good all the time!😱:DBev
I understand how you feel. But you really are doing so well and taking good care of yourself. As a consequence you are probably healthier than the average person the same age as you who does not keep a close eye on their health because they don't have reason to like you.

Do please give yourself a treat. You thoroughly deserve one!

Like Bev says, our calendar seems full of 'd' associated appointments too but at least we are all getting the check up we need to keep as healthy as possible. We can only do our best, nothing more! 🙂

I guess it's because it's just over a year since I was diagnosed, and I'm having all my 3-monthly, 6-monthly and annual checks going on at the moment, but it has been getting to me a bit lately. Next on the list is retinopathy scan next week. I spent nearly 50 years without any real medical contact apart from the odd broken limb, so it's still sinking in, I suppose. By the way, I'm not suggesting that I think people who have had it for many years are lucky in any way, in fact you are an inspiration.

I'm also developing a somewhat irrational fear of unexpected higher numbers. It's irrational because I know they're not that bad, but they still upset me. For example, I definitely felt low earlier on today. It was 6 hours after my breakfast and I expected to see 2.x or 3.x - it was 7.7! Maybe I was just disappointed because I couldn't have some jelly babies...

Grrr!!!! OK, rant over!😱

Dear Northerner,

I can't really undertand what it is like to be a T1. I am full of admiration for you and all the other T1s ( I'm paranoid about having to start injecting at some time). What you have achieved in one year is fantastic, so don't you think that you could treat yourself to a little treat on the odd occasion. You spend your time looking after the rest of us, take some time for yourself.

Best Regards Dodger
i agree with what everyone has said northener - take a bit of time out for yourself, have a few beers (or more than a few!) and treat yourself. You deserve it for having come so far in the past year!
..snip.. ( I'm paranoid about having to start injecting at some time) ..snip..

Hi Dodger,
I, too, was Paranoid about going onto Insulin, I didn't want my lifestyle to change (I was thinking about going over to Asia to live for a few years) (Still am, waiting for the Recession to improve), I didn't want to have to worry about it, the cost, the search, the storage etc. etc. Then my DSN sat me down and had a good long talk with me. She went on about MY health and the fact that MY life would suffer greatly if I didn't go on Insulin, later-life complications, etc. I said that if I am going on Insulin then I want to speak to others that have done it and think about for a month. Two days later I was knocking on her door and asking to be put on Insulin. There was NO argument. (I had already been shown how to do it and did a test with her with Sterile water in the Pen-syringe and was very surprised that it didn't hurt at all) (The finger pricker hurts more!). Now I have been on Insulin for a year, and my figures are so great I am amazed. Gone is the fuzzy feeling I felt all day, gone is the tiredness, gone is the fear of bad future-complications (as much as possible) as I am doing the best for ME. They instilled in me the sense of Self-Preservation - I am rigid about my carb's and my numbers and bolas-jab sometimes 6 times a day (I am a snacker at night!) I am achieving the 4-6 target a lot of the time and my HBC1a is at long last coming down. I have a regime of my own (like us all) which I live with much better than I thought I would. So, I hope this little story has helped, Dodger, please don't worry too much, it REALLY isn't that bigger a deal and the big plus is.... I am healthier now on Insulin than I have ever been in the last 5 years. If you need to talk more I would be only too pleased to help. Kindest regards and good luck. Joe.
Thank you so much for your post - I too am hovering on the brink of injecting but am still pulling back as I know it means it's probably (almost inevitably) for life and I'm scared of taking that next step. No-one is putting pressure on me, just advising that it's "to be soon - but it's your choice". I was really interested to read what you said - thanks again.

Faith (Type 1.5 LADA - diagnosed last October but still on 3 Metformin and 2 Gliclazide)
You are very welcome Vince, any time 🙂
I forgot to mention that I also was told a while back (wrongly I think!) by my Doctor that I didn't need to go on Insulin! So there I was wondering around thinking I would never have to Jab. So it hit me like a hammer when I had the heart-to-heart with my DSN. So, Vince, this period you are in right now about thinking on it will be an advantage - you will be able to think about all the pro's and con's and I hope you are able to speak to Insulin Users face-to-face (you can me if you like). There are down days just as there are up days (mentally I mean) but they are lessening now. I am still filling in my record book religiously every meal: time, B.G., meal, carb value, Jab units. This can be sometimes a chore with EVERYTHING I eat but I won't need to do this as complexly soon - as I am still interested what Gummy Bears does to me (!) he he he and I like keeping figures. Best of Luck - Joe
Hi Dodger,
I, too, was Paranoid about going onto Insulin, I didn't want my lifestyle to change (I was thinking about going over to Asia to live for a few years) (Still am, waiting for the Recession to improve), I didn't want to have to worry about it, the cost, the search, the storage etc. etc. Then my DSN sat me down and had a good long talk with me. She went on about MY health and the fact that MY life would suffer greatly if I didn't go on Insulin, later-life complications, etc. I said that if I am going on Insulin then I want to speak to others that have done it and think about for a month. Two days later I was knocking on her door and asking to be put on Insulin. There was NO argument. (I had already been shown how to do it and did a test with her with Sterile water in the Pen-syringe and was very surprised that it didn't hurt at all) (The finger pricker hurts more!). Now I have been on Insulin for a year, and my figures are so great I am amazed. Gone is the fuzzy feeling I felt all day, gone is the tiredness, gone is the fear of bad future-complications (as much as possible) as I am doing the best for ME. They instilled in me the sense of Self-Preservation - I am rigid about my carb's and my numbers and bolas-jab sometimes 6 times a day (I am a snacker at night!) I am achieving the 4-6 target a lot of the time and my HBC1a is at long last coming down. I have a regime of my own (like us all) which I live with much better than I thought I would. So, I hope this little story has helped, Dodger, please don't worry too much, it REALLY isn't that bigger a deal and the big plus is.... I am healthier now on Insulin than I have ever been in the last 5 years. If you need to talk more I would be only too pleased to help. Kindest regards and good luck. Joe.

Dear Joe,

Thank you so much for the above, I guess I should not worry if or when I have to start injecting insulin. However, at this time my levels (see my signature below) are such that I hope to remain "diet only" for a few more years.

Kindest Regards Dodger :D
I had to think about it, because it's only been a year, but I know of four HbA1c values! But actually, it's right. It was
  1. 11.8 at diagnosis
  2. 6.7 six weeks later
  3. 5.3 six months after that
  4. 5.2 six months after that
So, it's every 6 months.

I should have an extra jab now and again, shouldn't I? Think I'll drink some beer tonight!🙂

Those are great numbers Northerner. Well done. I'm jealous.

Bolus for something naughty! (I wish I could)

You never know when the nibbles will strike! :D (I'm sure Kate sang that bit from the KP nuts advert)
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