Feeling low

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was feeling so down yesterday.

Not quite sure what sparked it - but was very weepy for hours.

Still not getting to grips with BG levels - pre meals around 5 - but a couple of hours after meals up to 17. NO not eating high carb foods.

I guess I wished I had gone to London. but hey, maybe Birmingham or Manchester the next time, somewhere us northerens can reach

I am going out for a walk to try and shake this black mood


Oh Hazel, I think we all have days like that. I'm hoping to plan a BIG northern meet for later in the year, which I think you'd get a big kick out of.

PM/Email/phone me if you need someone to chat to, ok?

Hi Hazel, I've found it difficult to get BG levels something like they should be too, I was diagnosed in 2005. It does feel like an an uphill struggle and some days are betta than others but I just have to keep on trying.
Is good that u can tell people how your feeling and don't keep things bottled up, things always seem darker when u feel your on your own, but just remember you arn't, theres always someone here to talk to. Anyway hope your feeling a little better after your walk, take care, shirl
Thanks girls for your kind comments

A day at a time

Hi Hazel,
Sorry your feeling down - but just wanted to say are your meds right? Levels of 17 will be making you feel out of sorts anyway and if your generally feeling depressed - this wont help. When are you due to see your DSN next? I do hope your feeling better now - walking or exercise always lifts the spirit and gives you that 'feel good' hormone.🙂Bev x
thanks Bev, and you feeling down too

I am due, it fact overdue to see medics, so that will motivate me to contact them

I hope we both feel brighter soon

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