feeling low

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
when i was growing up i used to feel lonely and sad most of the time. people used to say it was teenage hormones and i just needed to cheer up. since being diagnosed with type 1 2 months ago the feelings have come back. i cry when no one is around and get stressed out by little things. my boyfriend is trying to be supportive but he thinks that buying me things and telling jokes is going to solve all my problems. i feel guilty cos he really is trying and i know i was a difficult person to live with before all this, so i can only imagine how hard it must be for him. he gets upset because he thinks that it is his fault that i feel this way. i don't know who to talk to as i moved from chester to bradford 2 and a half years ago but haven't made any close friends here. i rarely see my old friends and my family so i don't want to ruin our occasional get togethers by talking about depresion. we were so happy before the diabetes, we were trying for a baby which i was so excited about now that has been put on hold for at least 6 months. people keep saying 6 months isn't long but all i've ever wanted since as far back as i can remember is to be a mum. it's 6 months until we can start trying again then how long till i conceive then 9 months pregnant. i'm going to stop ranting now cos i'm getting upset again.
Oh Angela! Have a big virtual HUG.... It's perfectly normal and ok to feel depressed about diabetes, you had a perfectly nice life and why did this thing have to come along and spoil it? That's how I felt three years ago anyway. I can relate to what you say about crying when you're alone, I used to do that too... sometimes you just have to let it all out. I used to feel bad and that I was being self-indulgent being upset about it, but I came to realise that it's actually more like grief, grieving for your old life when you didn't have to consider so many complicating things. It's a massive change that you're having to get used to, and so it will take time.

Have you considered going for counselling? Or you could ring the Diabetes UK phone line for some support. It is really hard to talk to friends and family about it sometimes, when they don't see the everyday struggles you go through.

Sorry I don't know a lot about pregnancy but there are some people on here who have recently had babies so they could give you some advice on how good your levels need to be before trying.

Well done for posting on here, it must have been quite hard to write out all of that. Please keep posting on here, drop in for a rant any time. You're not along in feeling this way, but I promise you it will get better with time. xxx
Hello Angela and to repeat what 'Pigeon' just said...have a big virtual hug from me too.

You have made the first step (which can be the most daunting) and posted something on here and you will get a flurry of support from some wonderful and knowledgeable people. It really is understandable to be feeling low, especially so early on from diagnosis, it sounds like you have a wonderful boyfriend for support too. I can understand that 6 months to wait before starting to become pregnant can seem like a long time but try to look at it more positively - in that you will be armed with 6 months more information regarding your diabetes.

Remember too that we are all here to listen to you if you wish to rant - I have done in the past - its so difficult for other people to understand if they're not diabetic.

Jackie xx
i feel better now after my rant. i do have a wonderful boyfriend and it's his birthday this month i need to get him a really good pressie to show him i love him. he says all he wants is a new controler for his x-box but i can probably think of something a bit more interesting.

also hve friends visiting at the week end. Dan (boyfriend) says he will do a barbeque if the weather is nice (i will keep take away menus on standby).

thanks for letting me go on and on now i've started you will never shut me up.
Hi AngelaL sorry to hear you are feeling so down, it is good you have found this place. Someone is always here to give advice or just listen to you.

I am currently pregnant (17 weeks) and type 1. I started going to a pre-pregnancy clinic before ttc as my hba1c was a bit too high. When I had got it down to 7.4 we were given the go ahead. It took me 6 months to get pregnant. I know what you mean about it being so frustrating. I did not meet my husband until I was 32 so after making the decision to have kids at 34 I just wanted to get on with it all as quickly as possible.

Have you spoken to your GP at all about how you are feeling? They may be able to organise some counselling for you. I have previously seen a CPN due to depression and it was so good to be able to talk to someone without having to worry about upsetting them.
congatulations on the pregnancy Rachel. i'm lucky (so i'm told) because i'm only 22 so people keep telling me i've got plenty of time to have babies but it doesn't stop me wanting them. when i was growing up my best friend wanted to be a teacher, she is now at university doing a masters in english. my brother wanted to join the police, he is now doing a policing degree. i used to say when i grow up i want to be a mum and i'm still waiting.
but on the plus side with no maternity leave anytime soon i might try for a promotion at work, the extra money would come in handy cos i heard a rumour that babies cost a lot of money
Hi Angela
I dont post often, but your post has prompted me too .... just to offer another "virtual" hug.
Go easy on yourself. Its normal to feel down. You diagnosis will have been a huge shock and no doubt you`ve had a very turbulent couple of months. You have had to make big adjustments to your life and had to stop and re evaluate your future plans.
I think you are having a very normal reaction really!
Although your plans to become a mum have been put on the back burner for a little while, i`m sure you`ll achieve your dream.
take care x
Your post touched my heart! And there is a gold nugget of positivity in there that you are starting to build on - and I think a real sign of strength of caracter. Despite your obvious pain at the delay to your being preganant, you want look after your boyfriend by ensuring he enjoys his birthday, and most impressively have looked at promotion at work as a way of closing the gap between now and when you get the go ahead to try for a baby. Extraordinary, I'd say, for one so young. And I mean that in the most positive way.
Good on you, girl! This is a tough card we've been dealt with. I was lucky enough to have my daughter before I was diagnosed. She too is now diabetic.We all feel grief and painwith the loss of what might have been, but you are showing the kind of spirit that triumphs in adversity. Hold on to that.
oh bless you, this diabetes thing is a toughy sometimes. Big hugs from me and don't worry about coming here to get stuff off your chest 🙂
Hello Angela, I was sad to hear of your unhappy feelings but you will be welcome here anytime and someone will always come up with an answer (not always sensible - there are a lot of jokers here too but it's all "in the best possible taste"!).

Let off steam whenever you want and, if you want advice, there is always someone here who can offer it or recount their own personal reaction to the same kind of problems. We are not allowed to give any medical advice, nor would we presume to, but you will always find someone willing to listen or help if they can.

It's been a lifeline since my diagnosis just to talk to others who are living with the condition not just advising in the Dr's surgery, nice as my Care Team are.

Big virtual hugs from me too .....all the best 🙂
Hi Angela!

I have those depressed feelings: "trying for babies" keeps getting put off since I was diagnosed a year ago: first because my Hab1C was too low, then because when I finally came off my contraception, my periods didn't start again.... sometimes I just hurt and want to stamp my foot and shout "it's not fair," especially when other women my age seem to be getting pregnant left, right and centre suddenly.

Same, I get grumpy when I have a hypo and it disrupts what I'm doing. I want to be me 18 months ago, a happy girl on her wedding day full of the joys who thought I was too old to ever get type 1 diabetes.

In that year, I've
led my first outdoor climb for someone less experienced than me
done the Himalayan pindari glaceir trek
walked from Nice to Briancon, partly on by own, sleeping in a bivvy-bag
held down a stressful, sometimes 12-hours-a-day job
taken up running
ridden through Rajastaan on a camel, sleeping rough


Don't worry, it's not the end of the world: there are still plenty of fantastic things to come your way

..... just it's Right Pain In the Ass that some things have to wait.

Good Luck, Make the Most of what you've got and (I don't believe in religion but) keep the Faith (I do beleive in faith).

Wow Lizzie !! All those things you`ve achieved ! You`re a star x
when i was growing up i used to feel lonely and sad most of the time. people used to say it was teenage hormones and i just needed to cheer up. since being diagnosed with type 1 2 months ago the feelings have come back. i cry when no one is around and get stressed out by little things. my boyfriend is trying to be supportive but he thinks that buying me things and telling jokes is going to solve all my problems. i feel guilty cos he really is trying and i know i was a difficult person to live with before all this, so i can only imagine how hard it must be for him. he gets upset because he thinks that it is his fault that i feel this way. i don't know who to talk to as i moved from chester to bradford 2 and a half years ago but haven't made any close friends here. i rarely see my old friends and my family so i don't want to ruin our occasional get togethers by talking about depresion. we were so happy before the diabetes, we were trying for a baby which i was so excited about now that has been put on hold for at least 6 months. people keep saying 6 months isn't long but all i've ever wanted since as far back as i can remember is to be a mum. it's 6 months until we can start trying again then how long till i conceive then 9 months pregnant. i'm going to stop ranting now cos i'm getting upset again.

Im exactly the same way, I know how you feel esp about the baby thing feel free to message me xxx
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