feeling low

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i have been on a new diet for this week and I've done very well unfortunately I've had a slip today and resorted to comfort food caused be a number of things getting me down i tried to remain positive but i hit a low this evening , i think the realization of having a life long condition has started to sink in , i guess most people go through ups and downs especially early on , i normally hide issues like this but having read a lot of your posts i feel sharing helps
hey, I know how u feel. I'm in the middle of dieting and I was on track but today I have binged and eaten lots of chocolate and naughty things and I'm eyeing up a chocolate eclair for later on! I think that the thing to do is to say to yourself okay I slipped up on my diet but so what because tomorrow is a brand new day and I can have a nice clean slate 🙂 That is what I will be doing anyway. I agree that D is a big thing and it can be especially daunting at first. I know that it will be life long but the way I look at it is, well yes I will always have diabetes but there's lots of other things that I will always have to do aswell, like eat, breathe, sleep etc. I know that it sounds silly but it helps me sometimes! Hope that you are feeling soon , keep me updated 🙂 x
hi thank you for the reply it's so good to be able to share ,i only hit the crisps and snacks [ so far !!] and i guess i'm lucky as i don't eat chocolate or cakes . ps i like your member name
Hang in there Lewis,
am64, has the right idea. Diabetes, which ever form you have takes a lot of accepting. Someone told me that when you get it its like being told you have a terminal illlness. (which I suppose it could be..) Anyway, when you get diabetes, you go through a sort of grieving process which includes, anger, fear, dead, denial (this one's the hardest to overcome.)
and finally you hopefully will get to acceptance and learn to cope with it.
My worst was denial and it stopped me from eating all the right foods in the begining. It took me about a year to say goodbye to all my favorite things, because I have the will power of a Whelk!
I've finally got a handle on it and do not get tempted much, unless like you something upsets me or I get stressed. I've found that if I keep something like oat cakes and a tub of houmous or even a simple little pear close at hand, when I need comfort I hug one of these options.
We know it's hard, give your self a pat on the back because you're not alone and what you are feeling is normal. Just give yourself a kick up the bottom when you fall off the wagon and get your bottom back out there, Hey, I bet the Crisps tasted great though!
Hi Lewis, Sorry to hear your feeling down, i totally understand how must be feeling, i've been going thru the blues lately too.. but i have to say the guys on here are second to none and have help me pick myself up. All i can suggest is come on here and express your feeling, and if poss tell close family and friends too ( if you feel comfortable ) we all get fed up and be naughty and eat something we shouldnt, but just think like the others have said - start again tomorrow.. what has help me lately is cranking up the exercise and pushing myself forward with different activities, keeps my mind forcus and makes me feel grrreeat!!🙂
hey I remember feeling like that!

On diagnosis( all 47 days ago!!) I went through a massive diet change... then fell by the wayside, then realised that I changed too much too quickly and now I consider myself to be sensible..

you will get there and your body will tell you what was good and what wasnt! for me, it was a slice of cake that i usually loved that gave me that realisation that actually, i dont feel too well after it and i dont want it again, or iced donuts, sneakily eaten in the middle of the night when everyone was in bed... because i thought i was clever by pretending to my family that I was dealing with the changes.. i was only cheating myself and making myself ill at the same time lol.. oh why did I do it!?

Ive come to the realisation that its a lifestyle adaptation, not a diet.......... you will get there and there are many, many people on here with bags of support and great ideas who help us all on our way to a healthy life
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Any help or advice will be very welcome.
I've been type 2 for about 2 years i was on diet and exercise, but the doc's put me on metformin slow release for a fair while then they upped the dose. it was then that i started getting stomach cramps and depression, so they stopped the metformin and started me on Gliclazide (1 in the morning) then they upped the dose to (1 1/2in the morning ) then they upped the dose to (1 1/2 in the morning and one at night ) still not much better but started feeling unwell again with stomach cramps so the doc upped the dose to (2 in the morning and 2 at night ) and said it was because of bad diabetes control, then the cramps got really bad. almost unbearable i've never experienced pain like it near the middle of the chest. I went back to the docs and was put on Lansoprazole and told to keep taking the gliclazide. Honestly the pain was so bad i wanted to book myself into hospital and spent nights on the settee. But i thought lets stop the tablets and see if its them that's causing the problems. but have not told the doc. after a day the stomach cramps had nearly gone and i have altered my diet, i'm not getting up at night so much or having a full bladder. i'm trying diet and exercise again, but my readings are morning ( before breakfast between 6-9)
2 hours after breakfast back to around 6-7. After a 3 mile walk i was having a hypo 4.1 and no bad readings on my urine sticks and this is without tablets. Blood test (tomorrow morning at 9) am i doing right or wrong i can't have the pain of the last week it's unbearable just like a hot knife being left in your stomach, i thought maybe the gliclazide was upsetting the pancreas. the docs don't seem much help
regards mick
Any help or advice will be very welcome.
I've been type 2 for about 2 years i was on diet and exercise, but the doc's put me on metformin slow release for a fair while then they upped the dose. it was then that i started getting stomach cramps and depression, so they stopped the metformin and started me on Gliclazide (1 in the morning) then they upped the dose to (1 1/2in the morning ) then they upped the dose to (1 1/2 in the morning and one at night ) still not much better but started feeling unwell again with stomach cramps so the doc upped the dose to (2 in the morning and 2 at night ) and said it was because of bad diabetes control, then the cramps got really bad. almost unbearable i've never experienced pain like it near the middle of the chest. I went back to the docs and was put on Lansoprazole and told to keep taking the gliclazide. Honestly the pain was so bad i wanted to book myself into hospital and spent nights on the settee. But i thought lets stop the tablets and see if its them that's causing the problems. but have not told the doc. after a day the stomach cramps had nearly gone and i have altered my diet, i'm not getting up at night so much or having a full bladder. i'm trying diet and exercise again, but my readings are morning ( before breakfast between 6-9)
2 hours after breakfast back to around 6-7. After a 3 mile walk i was having a hypo 4.1 and no bad readings on my urine sticks and this is without tablets. Blood test (tomorrow morning at 9) am i doing right or wrong i can't have the pain of the last week it's unbearable just like a hot knife being left in your stomach, i thought maybe the gliclazide was upsetting the pancreas. the docs don't seem much help
regards mick

Hello Mick,

You've just done what I did a month or two ago. I decided to stop taking my medication (metformin 2x500mg) when I started to suspect that I could control my bg adequately without it. However, I upped my testing (before every meal and 2hrs after) just to make sure that everything was OK. I recorded all my results and saw my gp fairly quickly (gave it four or five days and the bg results were very good in that time). He agreed with me and I haven't taken them since.

At the end of the day, it is your body and your decision. The medical profession are there to support you. But, in turn, you need to make rational, reasoned decisions. Which, I think that you have done in this case. But keep testing until you're happy that things are OK (and then see your gp).

Any help or advice will be very welcome.
I've been type 2 for about 2 years i was on diet and exercise, but the doc's put me on metformin slow release for a fair while then they upped the dose. it was then that i started getting stomach cramps and depression, so they stopped the metformin and started me on Gliclazide (1 in the morning) then they upped the dose to (1 1/2in the morning ) then they upped the dose to (1 1/2 in the morning and one at night ) still not much better but started feeling unwell again with stomach cramps so the doc upped the dose to (2 in the morning and 2 at night ) and said it was because of bad diabetes control, then the cramps got really bad. almost unbearable i've never experienced pain like it near the middle of the chest. I went back to the docs and was put on Lansoprazole and told to keep taking the gliclazide. Honestly the pain was so bad i wanted to book myself into hospital and spent nights on the settee. But i thought lets stop the tablets and see if its them that's causing the problems. but have not told the doc. after a day the stomach cramps had nearly gone and i have altered my diet, i'm not getting up at night so much or having a full bladder. i'm trying diet and exercise again, but my readings are morning ( before breakfast between 6-9)
2 hours after breakfast back to around 6-7. After a 3 mile walk i was having a hypo 4.1 and no bad readings on my urine sticks and this is without tablets. Blood test (tomorrow morning at 9) am i doing right or wrong i can't have the pain of the last week it's unbearable just like a hot knife being left in your stomach, i thought maybe the gliclazide was upsetting the pancreas. the docs don't seem much help
regards mick

Hi KK this really needs to go in its own thread or it will get lost i will try and alert a mod xxxx🙂
hi am64
sorry put it in the wrong place thanks for your help had a rough nights sleep trying to work it all out
many thanks
Lewis dont be to hard on yourself , they has been a number of times i have gone back to old habits they can often be hard to break so dont think your the only one your not , it is very hard to go from something we have been used to for a number of years and then changing or switching , its all about looking at the slip and thinking right i dont want to do this again i have to be strong.
Heya Lewis,
Just thought that I would see how your doing today 🙂 Hope that you have had a nice fresh start and you're feeling better. Do let me know how you get on, we can always support each other on here 🙂
From Lucy
hi lucy thank you so much for your concern , i've had a reasonable diet day and i'm feeling OK , it's so good to be able to share our problems with others although this is also something new to me as I'm normally a very private person , i will post tomorrow and let you know how Monday goes , Lewis
Hiya Lewis
I hope that you don't feel that I am prying or nagging you, I just want to be supportive, we all need a friend or two 🙂 I am like you in that I am usually very private but I do feel that I can open up on here, I'm very pleased to hear that your doing well 🙂 Please, please do keep me updated though! and I realise that we have only exchanged a few messages on here but we must all stick together in the face of diabetes. 🙂
Warmest regards,
p.s. you can never have too much support 🙂
Hi Lewis, I hope you are feeling better. We all get down sometimes and talking does help. This is a great site as everyone understands about diabetes. Most of the people I know comfort eat at some time, so don't beat yourself up over it. You have done really well with the diet, so comfort eating or a treat once in a while will make things feel a little more worth while!
hi lucy thank you for ' nagging me !!' yourself and all the other wonderful people on this site have been so helpful , i have had a good diet day today , i think i might be trying to change my diet to quickly and i'm viewing all my old favorite foods as totally out of bounds rather than introducing new foods progressively to replace them , has anyone had the same situation
hi lewis hope your feeling ok now, we all do it from time to time, i love my savoury food, pies and pastries, and sometimes once a week be naughty and have a few but hey we carnt be perfect all the time, take one day at a time and dont beat yourself up about it mate 🙂
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