Feeling low … going write the positives.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
We are in the throws of all in the household being positive with Covid. So feeling sorry for myself.
I was morbidly obese then obese and today I am now in overweight category . It is in the middle so could go either way but i have got that lowered to overweight so that's a positive .
I have been having some carbs but low quantities and finding it easier.
Yes could be Covid but happy to be able to eat a few bits before going back to being strict. I am pleased too that it has been good . I would usually say no but yes i had some but a small rather than a whole portion and then some .
So there are some positives.
Hi @Nayshiftin and really sorry you're going through the mill. I had covid back in November, a couple of weeks after my booster! I personally think your body knows what it needs, and if you are keeping the portions small I don't see there can be any harm done. You've done fantastically well, and will get back to the strict regime when you are ready for it.
I've just climbed back onto the low carb diet after a couple of months of strange months with the hernia op and dad dying, then getting covid, but the one thing I haven't done is feel guilty because it was my way of coping, despite putting nearly a stone on!
Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to get over covid properly xx
Oh it sounds more like you have been through the mill. Do take you own comfort you have lent to me and be kind to yourself.
It is that old saying if someone can relate the journey if i can say that is so much easier.
weight was not my teal goal as i got to i cant care about it. Low carb did bring my blood sugars down and once i improve I will be working on moving more.
Today i have eaten very little just keeponh
my drinking going.
Sorry cant type more but let your dad be proud that he brought you up to be the best you csn be
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