Feeling like a failure

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi ,
i've been trying to get my levels down for weeks now , but nothings working for me :( , i've changed my diet eating healthy for a while now been active walking a lot more and general in good health but feeling like a failure at managing this condition tbh i've got another few weeks before my next hba1c check gets done .I'm using the accucheck monitor and my readings are in the 6s all the time averaging out at around 6.9 so i reckon im looking at around a hba1c of around 49mmml . I'm type 2 on metformin 500mg twice a day and another other one always forget what its called anyway just feeling like a failure at the moment :( .i have lost a bit of weight and done everything that i should be doing .
Hi ,
i've been trying to get my levels down for weeks now , but nothings working for me :( , i've changed my diet eating healthy for a while now been active walking a lot more and general in good health but feeling like a failure at managing this condition tbh i've got another few weeks before my next hba1c check gets done .I'm using the accucheck monitor and my readings are in the 6s all the time averaging out at around 6.9 so i reckon im looking at around a hba1c of around 49mmml . I'm type 2 on metformin 500mg twice a day and another other one always forget what its called anyway just feeling like a failure at the moment :( .i have lost a bit of weight and done everything that i should be doing .

You’re being far too hard on yourself Richard. An average glucose level of 6.9 will give you a Hba1c of about 41, possibly even less. I’d be delighted with those levels so take heart! Amigo
You should never feel like a failure as everyone's diabetes is different - the things that work for others may not apply to you, and it's still early days. If you have to up your dose of medication to get better control, for a short time or a long time, then so be it. Taking the pills isn't failing. In the context of doing all the other things right, the diet, the weight loss and the exercise, taking slightly bigger pills when needed is just good pragmatic sense. Keep fighting the good fight and with a bit of luck the Blood Glucose Gods will smile on you in time 😉
Hi ,
i've been trying to get my levels down for weeks now , but nothings working for me :( , i've changed my diet eating healthy for a while now been active walking a lot more and general in good health but feeling like a failure at managing this condition tbh i've got another few weeks before my next hba1c check gets done .I'm using the accucheck monitor and my readings are in the 6s all the time averaging out at around 6.9 so i reckon im looking at around a hba1c of around 49mmml . I'm type 2 on metformin 500mg twice a day and another other one always forget what its called anyway just feeling like a failure at the moment :( .i have lost a bit of weight and done everything that i should be doing .
You'll only get acceptance from me. Failure and success is all about perspective. The music industry being a good example. Many highly successful artists have fallen. Your numbers sound pretty good and compared to some very good. However, only recently I tried again with a low carb diet and got readings over 9.0 which is annoying. Exercise is the key for me. But not appropriate for some. Good luck. Sooner or later things will look better or at least you tried.
i've changed my diet eating healthy for a while now been active walking a lot more and general in good health….my readings are in the 6s all the time….I have lost a bit of weight

That certainly doesn’t sound like failure to me @richard.m ! You’re eating more healthily, you’ve increased your exercise, you’ve lost weight - and your readings are in the 6s all the time! That’s good 🙂
Hi ,
i've been trying to get my levels down for weeks now , but nothings working for me :( , i've changed my diet eating healthy for a while now been active walking a lot more and general in good health but feeling like a failure at managing this condition tbh i've got another few weeks before my next hba1c check gets done .I'm using the accucheck monitor and my readings are in the 6s all the time averaging out at around 6.9 so i reckon im looking at around a hba1c of around 49mmml . I'm type 2 on metformin 500mg twice a day and another other one always forget what its called anyway just feeling like a failure at the moment :( .i have lost a bit of weight and done everything that i should be doing .
I agree with @Amigo - you'd have to be consistently over 7.0 to have any suggestion of even pre-diabetes and consistently over 8.0 to be looking at diabetes.
Don't be so tough on yourself , it looks to me that you are doing very well , I would love to have my readings averaging in the 6's .
Many congratulations to you.
Hi ,
i've been trying to get my levels down for weeks now , but nothings working for me :( , i've changed my diet eating healthy for a while now been active walking a lot more and general in good health but feeling like a failure at managing this condition tbh i've got another few weeks before my next hba1c check gets done .I'm using the accucheck monitor and my readings are in the 6s all the time averaging out at around 6.9 so i reckon im looking at around a hba1c of around 49mmml . I'm type 2 on metformin 500mg twice a day and another other one always forget what its called anyway just feeling like a failure at the moment :( .i have lost a bit of weight and done everything that i should be doing .
Those readings look pretty good so something must be working for you. You could do some strategic testing of some of your meals to see if you are tolerating the amount of carbs and if the 2 hour post meal reading is above 8mmol/l you could trim a few carbs off that meal to get your average down a bit more.
Or you could just wait to see what your HbA1C reveals and go from there.
thank you so much for all the comments i have my yearly hb test in a few weeks so hopefully ill get my meds reduced as at the moment i'm on metformin twice a day and forxiga dapagliflozin 10 mg once a day my last hb last year was 49 mml and year before that was in the 50s , when i got diagnosed i was put on metformin 3 times a day i had know idea about being diabetic and not given any information so for a long time i just didn't even think about it took the meds , maybe abit of denial i dunno anyway i'm researching everything i can about this condition so i can maybe manage it a bit better .Yesterday i just felt a bit disappointed as ive been changing my diet lately and doing sum fasting seems to help a bit anyway thanx for all the comments i m ok today still learning and everydays different when it comes to these numbers that i'm seeing and im trying to figure out the carb counting everything .Anyway hope everyones having a good day thanx again
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