feeling let down

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
I am new to this and am now taking metformin twice a day. feeling let down at the moment. I went and had my INR bloods done and thought I was having another blood done to see how I am doing. But no its in 3 months time ready for my med review :-( How will I know if its going in the right direction ?
I am trying to cut down on carbs but my weight goes up and down a few pounds :-(
Mind you this weekend was not good as Friday I had a call from parents neighbor saying my mum's husband had had a heart attack and been taken to hospital so we went straight down Friday night and came back Monday. But I was not eating as I should :-( or could as we were at my mothers.
can I just curl up and hide??
Hello @Heroxy I find that eating low carb helps a lot with coping when under strain.
The Hba1c level changes quite slowly, so it isn't really worth doing more frequently than every 3 months.
If you are a typical type 2 then you should be controlling your everyday blood glucose by eating a low carb diet, and it can effectively negate the effects of type 2 first of all quite quickly, and then can keep them at bay long term.
Hi , I would suspect most members on this have gone through what you are experiencing.

Will post later ( battery )
Hi. Sorry to hear you are feeling low and unsupported.

Diabetes is difficult enough at the best of times, but when stressful events crop up and we have to drop everything and deal with them it can be much harder, so try not to beat yourself up. A weekend of being off the wagon a bit won't make a huge difference but it is important to climb back on as soon as you can and perhaps plan for the next time that sort of situation might arise. So think about the sort of things you could grab from a local supermarket which would fit in with the approach you follow, be that something ow carb or just some meal replacement shakes to tide you over or an omelette can be whisked up in no time at all and is filling, nutritious and low carb.

As regards testing, many of us here advocate for home testing as it enables you to "see" in numbers how you are doing and which foods your body/diabetes responds adversely to (ie spikes your BG levels) and which you can get away with and in what portion size. Many people are discouraged from home testing by their GP or nurse, but it is an invaluable tool in giving you an insight into managing your diabetes and having a good idea of whether you are making the right choices for your body or need to do some more dietary tweaking. There are relatively inexpensive basic BG meter kits which will provide you with good useful data on which to make food choices, if you follow a systematic testing system. We can advise you on the cheapest meters... or more importantly, the meters with the cheapest test strips as it is the test strips which run up the cost of using one and you need to do quite a bit of testing in the first few months..... and also a system of testing which will give you useful data.... if you decide you want to try this route, so do ask before you buy.
how long ago was your last hba1c blood test? The test gives a 3 month average so it isn’t done more often that that. You won’t have them done 3 monthly usually though, an annual review is the standard care. Some people have a blood test 3 months after first diagnosed or changing medications though to check things are moving the right way.
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Thank you all for your support 🙂 I did not know that they test your blood sugar every 3 months I may have been told but you know what it is like I did not take it all in. xx
Do I remember right about needing a eye test at hospital at some point? If so I don't remember what for.

and a brief update my step dad is sitting in a chair now but not had his defib fitted yet as he was not well enough.
Do I remember right about needing an eye test at hospital at some point? If so I don't remember what for.
Yes, you will get an annual eye test which is a photograph of the retinas to detect any bleeds caused by damage to the capillaries caused by high blood sugars. You will have to get transport to where they do it in your area as they dilate your pupils to get a good look at the retinas so you won’t be able to drive afterwards. The results are sent to your GP and appear in your records.
I did not know that they test your blood sugar every 3 months I may have been told but you know what it is like I did not take it all in. xx
I am not aware of hba1c being tested every 3 months. I believe the point being made is that there is no value testing it any more frequently. If you want to track your progress (and work out what changes have the biggest impact), it is recommended to do finger pick testing.
Do I remember right about needing a eye test at hospital at some point?
Yes but it might not be at a hospital. Mine is in a church.
did not know that they test your blood sugar every 3 months
3 months is a maximum frequency not a minimum. Mine is tested annually.
I did not know that they test your blood sugar every 3 months
As @Lucyr said every 3 months is the maximum frequency for testing as the HbA1c test measures average blood glucose levels over the previous 3 months, so testing any more frequently is pointless. Initially I had tests every 3 months but this has now been reduced to every 6 months and could drop to annually if everything is nice and stable.
When newly diagnosed people usually get a second test after 3 months as that can indicate if the measures that have been taken, whether it be dietary and or medication have been effective, if things are going in the right direction then it will often be another 6 months before another test and then annually after that unless there are problems.
The retinal screening under the NHS again soon after diagnosis and then annually and can be almost anywhere. Some heath trusts contract it to Specsavers I believe but otherwise at a health centre or even in a mobile unit in a car park.
You cannot drive afterwards and should take dark glasses as your eyes will be sensitive to light. The results are then sent to you and your GP after about a month.
When newly diagnosed people usually get a second test after 3 months as that can indicate if the measures that have been taken, whether it be dietary and or medication have been effective, if things are going in the right direction then it will often be another 6 months before another test and then annually after that unless there are problems.
The retinal screening under the NHS again soon after diagnosis and then annually and can be almost anywhere. Some heath trusts contract it to Specsavers I believe but otherwise at a health centre or even in a mobile unit in a car park.
You cannot drive afterwards and should take dark glasses as your eyes will be sensitive to light. The results are then sent to you and your GP after about a month.
Thank you Leadinglights 🙂 I have got my eye screening appointment booked for next month after Easter, it is at my local Hospital and my husband will take me there🙂 Thank you about the taking of sunglasses 🙂

I have a question (another one) the other day I had not had breakfast as I thought I would have a later one as I have read it can be a good idea? Anyway I was out shopping (We went a bit later than I had expected) and came over a bit dizzy and had a bit of double vision. Was that because my sugar was not good?
Was that because my sugar was not good?
The only way to know if any odd feeling are because of your blood sugar is to test at the time of feeling odd. Do you have a meter?
The only way to know if any odd feeling are because of your blood sugar is to test at the time of feeling odd. Do you have a meter?
Hi Lucyr
No I don't I was told I did not need to test every day.
Do you think I should get one? If so which one is best?
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