feeling left hanging

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
dear diabetes uk

i had a blood test done in January, and 4 weeks later had a phone call saying that my hba1c level had reached 52 and that I was type 2 Mellitus and they would book an appointment to see the diabetic nurse.
4 weeks later and get to see the nurse and she says you have type 2 diabetes and I will be put on a desmond course she checked my feet and gave me your leaflets and I was sent away and that was it.
so came home and a world of things running through your head, what to do where to go.
so I started my desmond course and started to learn all about the condition, that it was a disease and that if I do not change my lifestyle that it could get worse, but it was able to lose weight and changed my diet (tall order not easy) that I could keep it at bay and life a good life.
on my desmond, lots of people were getting started on their journeys to change lifestyles and everyone had different emotions which are understandable,
but the way people were going was to check their glucose levels on a daily routine and that would give them an idea of what was working ok on their food intake and their lifestyle changes.
I started to do the same and was keeping a log on my phone, and it would give me levels of what was ok, I was told that levels between 4-7 were a good range and if I could keep within that I was good.
I had been doing it for about a week but I was getting some levels just before bed and in the morning of 9.2 and above.
I was getting normal levels or near during daytime so thought my diet of what food been taken in was ok but I wanted to knock the high levels down and didn't know how to do it.
so I sent a photo of my log screen of glucose levels to my doctor to ask if I could do anything to help these high levels, I got a message back from the doctor saying what was I worried about, the levels I was using were wrong and the software was wrong. and he worked withing levels 4-11 so what was I worried about nothing wrong but a diabetic nurse would call me.
so Friday went the diabetic nurse called me and asked what was a problem, I explained everything to her and she said the same as the doctor, they said they would what for a 3-month blood test and if my levels increased then they would decide if I need medication to control levels. and if I followed diet then I would not need medication and I didn't need to do glucose checks. and that basically type 2 diabetes is the same as pre-diabetes and all I have to do is diet and that type 2 diabetes is before you get it and it can bed stopped . and the way I was made to feel because I am large it was my fault I had got it, even though my dad is insulin diabetic and it could have passed onto me.
so now I am very confused and not sure where to go or what to do and have to hope my next 3 months blood test hasn't raised.
so the big question I want to know. me to have type 2 diabetes is it something I can get rid of like a virus or have I got it for life, and will it get worse unless I manage it and how do I manage it if I am not to use a glucose tester, do I rely on the 3 monthly blood tests and not know what I am eating if helping or not and keeping levels good. is something not working in my body and this is why I have type 2 or is it just down to my weight so if I remove my weight I remove type 2 diabetes from my body
please need help


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Hi @cichlid, welcome to the forum.
Firstly, don't beat yourself up about being diabetic. I also have it in my family and am larger than I should be. It's easy to blame yourself, but what's the point? It just drags you down. Onwards and upwards.
the big question I want to know. me to have type 2 diabetes is it something I can get rid of like a virus or have I got it for life
You might be able to get remission from your diabetes. There are diets like the Newcastle diet offered by some health authorities (not mine, sadly). I can recommend watching some youtube videos with Professor Roy Taylor talking about it to get more information.
I was getting some levels just before bed and in the morning of 9.2 and above
It's possible to get these down, but you will need to look at your diet and work out which foods give you higher BG levels. You've got a testing meter, can you do a food diary and take your BG before, and two hours after and then find out which foods are better for lower BG for you?
my hba1c level had reached 52
You've only just tipped into the edge of diabetes, the value that they diagnose on is 48 or above. If you can adjust your diet and lose a bit of weight, you may be able to push your HbA1c down below the diagnostic level.
I've got mine to 42 last month, and it was 80 when I was diagnosed. I did 3 months of very low calorie diet, which wasn't easy, but I knew it was only for three months. I've lost 16Kg/2.5 stone. I've never been able to lose weight, so surprised myself when it worked. Getting the diagnosis focussed my mind and kept me on track. I have an average fasting reading of 5.7mmol/L. If my HbA1c was what it was before, it would be 12 or 13ish.
So, what I'm saying is that you can do something about it. You've got the chance to try to get remission. It didn't work for everyone in the trials run by Roy Taylor, but the people who lost 15Kg mostly got it.
is something not working in my body and this is why I have type 2 or is it just down to my weight so if I remove my weight I remove type 2 diabetes from my body
This is my non medical understanding: T2 diabetes is when you're carrying too much weight and your body stashes excess fat in your organs, like your liver and pancreas. The liver and pancreas maintain your blood glucose levels - the pancreas makes insulin, and the liver stores energy in the form of fat and glycogen, and excretes these as glucose to keep your body and muscles fueled. It all goes a bit wrong when you carry too much fat in the liver and pancreas, they stop talking to each other and don't work as well as they should as they're all clogged up with fat. The answer is to lose the weight, though I appreciate it's easier said than done. Dieting isn't easy, nor is exercise if you're a bit larger than you should be. My knees really hurt, and I got out of breath easily when I was walking. Since I've lost a bit of weight, it's got easier, so I'm hoping I can do more walking and maybe swimming as it's easier than before.
I'm waffling, but what I'm saying, is, read round the forums, think about what you can do for your diet, and don't beat yourself up.
We've all got your back if you need support,
Thank you both for clearing up things for me , and if only the diabetic nurse had been that nice , I will continue with the diet I’m on I was 20.12 pounds two weeks ago and now I am 20.5 pounds so I am ok , I will try and do sugar tests before eat and after but I got a gluco extra Bluetooth version and as you know glucose strips and lances so expensive, have been told will not get them on prescription as it costs doctor and I am not on medication , so will just keep chin up and try keep going regards and thankyou both very much
Cheers Cichlid. You sound like you're doing really well with your weight loss. Keep it going and let us know if you need any support or have any questions. And let us know how you're doing, and as you say, keep your chin up.
To make it cheaper to self fund testing, you could invest a bit of your own cash in a different brand of meter where the test strips (and lancets) are far cheaper! The Spirit Healthcare Tee 2 is one, the other is the Gluco Navii. Both available from Amazon - and the strips and lancets get even cheaper by buying more than you need in the short term.
Investing in a monitor with inexpensive test strips will enable you to get more benefit out of testing by helping you make better food choices. The strips for the GlucoNavil are £13 for 100. You can reuse lancets so that is no great expense. You do not need to pay VAT.
You might like to check this link for ideas for a way forward which promotes a low carb regime which has been found to be successful .https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
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