Feeling iffy.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can I please ask for some experiences of starting medication?

Started on metformin and gliclazide last Wednesday, and have just felt rough since. Feeling sicky, tired and achy a lot of the time and when I try to do anything I'm ending up feeling quite dizzy, and a bit shaky. Deffo not hypo, finger pricks aren't getting below double figures yet.

Any experience or advice please? Hoping this is just an adjustment thing?
Probanly just an adjustmen thing...i felt rough when i was first on those meds
Probanly just an adjustmen thing...i felt rough when i was first on those meds
Thank you. I'm on day 8 I think now, can you remember how long it took to settle for you?
Metformin is known for causing tummy problems with some people. If that doesn't settle after a few weeks, you can request a slow release version. I can't comment on gliclazide, but am guessing that as you have been prescribed both, your HbA1c was high. There are other medications which could be alternatives. I refused gliclazide because of its potential cause of hypos and impact on being able to drive. Instead I have Linagliptin and Dapagliflozin. So far so good.
Can I please ask for some experiences of starting medication?

Started on metformin and gliclazide last Wednesday, and have just felt rough since. Feeling sicky, tired and achy a lot of the time and when I try to do anything I'm ending up feeling quite dizzy, and a bit shaky. Deffo not hypo, finger pricks aren't getting below double figures yet.

Any experience or advice please? Hoping this is just an adjustment thing?
I think you need to report it to your GP - just in case it is something unforeseen.
With Gliclazide you need to eat some carbs throughout the day to counteract the effects - but unless you are overdoing that it seems slightly off that it is over a week and levels are still high.
What doses of those 2 have you been started on?
Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling a bit rough starting on your meds :(

Good that you have a BG meter and strips to keep an eye on your levels over coming days.

Hopefully you will begin to feel better soon.

If you continue to experience unpleasant sensations, it would be worth going back to your GP to see what they suggest - perhaps ask if introducing more slowly or one at a time might be worth considering?
Can I please ask for some experiences of starting medication?

Started on metformin and gliclazide last Wednesday, and have just felt rough since. Feeling sicky, tired and achy a lot of the time and when I try to do anything I'm ending up feeling quite dizzy, and a bit shaky. Deffo not hypo, finger pricks aren't getting below double figures yet.

Any experience or advice please? Hoping this is just an adjustment thing?
I felt the same but it did improve for me. I accept there will be good days a not so good days.
I think you need to report it to your GP - just in case it is something unforeseen.
With Gliclazide you need to eat some carbs throughout the day to counteract the effects - but unless you are overdoing that it seems slightly off that it is over a week and levels are still high.
Best I've got is 11.3 pre lunch one day, highest was 21.6 but that was on day 1!
Something is happening, as pre the tablets I didn't get lower than about 15, should I expect it to be working faster?
I've really lowered my obvious carbs, much to my disgust as I love bread, potatoes and pasta, and have given some consideration to carbs in other things too. Avoided all sugary things, even gone without my beloved pineapple. I'm sure I can do more, it's only a couple of weeks since diagnosis, so I'm still learning yet.
What doses of those 2 have you been started on?
500g metformin in the morning. Started on 40g gliclazide once a day for the first week, then it was upped to twice a day at the start of week 2, so 80g in total over 2 doses.
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