Feeling hypos less and less *worried*

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I tested my BG at 11:30 and it was 3.3mmol. But I didn't feel hypo. I normally get a whole bunch of symptoms:

1) Shakey hands
2) Wobbly legs
3) Sweaty
4) Heavy breathing
5) I find I can't hold my head up
6) Can't make decisions
7) Get very emotional
8) Sometimes feel queasy/sick
9) I also can't speak properly sometimes and jumble words up

But with the last few I've had I've not actually felt anything and suddenly it will hit me badly and I feel awful.

I now have 200 strips on my prescription so all the more reason for me to test but it is slightly worrying me that I can't feel them coming anymore!
oooh sounds like we have almost identical hypos, i get very much the same!

i find that i go through periods of hypo unawareness. i can go for a month or two where i just won't feel them at all, then all of a sudden it comes back.
Hi Laura 22,
This has happened to me a few times over the years. It is because your body is becoming use to feeling low and you get hypo unawareness. When i got it my doctor at clinic suggested letting my blood run higher for a few weeks to allow my body to recover, i'd maybe call you nurse or doctor and ask for advice. It will come back eventually. You are right to test test test at the moment if you are getting no signs. Especially if you are driving test just before and if going long distance, stop and test. Hope it sorts its self out. x
It freaks me out lol. I feel fine 90% of the time!
Hi Laura, you're probably getting used to being at lower levels, so the hypos symptoms kick in at lower levels too and that does tend to make the symptoms appear rather suddenly and with greater intensity because you are actually getting lower than a non-diabetic would normally go.

A lot can depend on the type of hypo too, and it can have something to do with uneven absorbtion of insulin, heat, prior exercise etc. If it's a very slow falling hypo you can drop really low before you notice it - my lowest is 1.7!
I agree with the above that you are probably getting used to your levels being low. I find this a lot as i am always rushing about like a mad one, no excuse I know but i have found i get several hypos in the technical sense but can crack on as normal. My lowest was 1.4 😱 and was having a perfectly normal conversation with my husband (well i thought i was anyway) and then other times i can be 3.5 and feel well rough!

I find it near on impossible to be perfect control day in day out although my HBA1C is within the good range. I am so used to 'feeling' different day to day now, its normal to me.

There are so many factors that can affect low blood glucose that perhaps you are doing something different to normal like what you are eating, insulin requirements, excercise or could just be the heat etc etc. If not then perhaps a phone call to your DSN would help but i always think i know my body better than anyone else does and i know what i have been upto.

Hope this helps and hope you get it sorted... Bernie xx 🙂
C is the same. Most of the time she doesn't realise she's hypo. Same as Northerner, her lowest was 1.7 and she didn't realise and to me she seemed fine. We only found out as she was testing before bedtime. I am absolutely relieved though that she always wakes up when hypo at night. One night she said to me that when she woke up she wondered why, as she didn't need the toilet. When lying there for a couple of minutes she realised it could be because she's hypo.

I'm glad you're testing frequently. I'm always nagging C do do hers, even when I think she might be hypo I have to have an argument with her first. 😡
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