Feeling guilty

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi there.

I’m new to the community. I have pre-diabetes with a HbA1c of 6.4% (extremely borderline, I know).

I’ve been eating around 75-90g of carbs a day for around a month now to try and get my levels down.

But today, I had a bit of a “cheat/treat day”, and now feeling extremely guilty about it.

I had Pot Noodles (2), a twin Twix bar and a Maltesers bunny.

Feel sick to my stomach that I’ve done this today. Think I’ve blown it. I worry that with one wrong move, I’ll go into the Type 2 threshold.

I had Gestational Diabetes in my pregnancy last year, and family history of Type 2, so I’m already susceptible to it.

Feel like such a fool.

Would appreciate some reassurance (perhaps tips?) about what I’ve done. I had cravings for these things and it was my weakness.
Hello, welcome to the forum. “Let he without sin cast the first scone?” Tomorrow is another day. 🙂
Do you use a BG meter?
Sometimes we just need to “stick it to the man.”
Hi there.

I’m new to the community. I have pre-diabetes with a HbA1c of 6.4% (extremely borderline, I know).

I’ve been eating around 75-90g of carbs a day for around a month now to try and get my levels down.

But today, I had a bit of a “cheat/treat day”, and now feeling extremely guilty about it.

I had Pot Noodles (2), a twin Twix bar and a Maltesers bunny.

Feel sick to my stomach that I’ve done this today. Think I’ve blown it. I worry that with one wrong move, I’ll go into the Type 2 threshold.

I had Gestational Diabetes in my pregnancy last year, and family history of Type 2, so I’m already susceptible to it.

Feel like such a fool.

Would appreciate some reassurance (perhaps tips?) about what I’ve done. I had cravings for these things and it was my weakness.
Welcome to the forum
Everybody has a day when they have a glitch but one day will make no difference, It is when those days become regular days.
It is often better to factor in some 'treats' into your regime to make it more sustainable.
I have a square of dark chocolate but just at the weekend not everyday.
You are being quite strict with your carb intake so including the odd treat wouldn't increase your carbs too much.
Everybody has different ways of managing their condition but whatever you do has to be enjoyable otherwise it is hard to sustain it.
Hi there.

I’m new to the community. I have pre-diabetes with a HbA1c of 6.4% (extremely borderline, I know).

I’ve been eating around 75-90g of carbs a day for around a month now to try and get my levels down.

But today, I had a bit of a “cheat/treat day”, and now feeling extremely guilty about it.

I had Pot Noodles (2), a twin Twix bar and a Maltesers bunny.

Feel sick to my stomach that I’ve done this today. Think I’ve blown it. I worry that with one wrong move, I’ll go into the Type 2 threshold.

I had Gestational Diabetes in my pregnancy last year, and family history of Type 2, so I’m already susceptible to it.

Feel like such a fool.

Would appreciate some reassurance (perhaps tips?) about what I’ve done. I had cravings for these things and it was my weakness.
You really shouldn't feel guilty about it. Nobody's perfect, and tomorrow's another day 🙂

The primary effect of a low carb diet is to keep your blood glucose levels as low as possible in the hours after eating. It's a 'do no harm' kind of thing - short term effects meal by meal, day by day. A few treats won't make the slightest difference to the conditions underlying your pre-diabetes next week or next month. The treats will soon be a distant metabolic memory.

Aiming to lose weight, if you have weight to lose, will probably have more profound and longer-term impacts. If your prediabetes is due to fat stored in the tissue of your liver and/or pancreas, then whether and how far your weight rises or falls over say the next three months will have a greater long-term impact on HbA1c than what you eat on any given day(s).

As regard tips - 85% dark chocolate and pistachio nuts are my weekend treat at present. If you're used to milk chocolate then the dark might taste sour and unappealing at first, but you quickly acquire a taste for it and it satisfies choc cravings. I have a continuous glucose monitor strapped to my arm right now and I've been comparing different foods/meals. Neither dark chocolate nor pistachios, eating in fairly moderate amounts, makes much of difference to my blood glucose levels when compared to carb-rich foods I've tested like toast and rice.
Think I’ve blown it. I worry that with one wrong move, I’ll go into the Type 2 threshold.
A1C is a 3 month average (that’s somewhat simplified but it’s a decent period of time). You’d need to make those choices every day for ages to impact your result.
Big hugs to you @lizzyx

Please don’t feel all is lost! You’ve had a setback, and feeling upset by it and worried about it is perfectly natural - but I’m sure it won’t have undone all your hard work in one go.

Be kind to yourself, and remember how well you have been doing. Clamber back on the wagon, and loom forwards, not backwards.

Have you got a means of checking your glucose levels? Do you know how things have been going since you’ve adopted your new menu?
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