Feeling good after being 'red' throughout the night

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This is a bit of a strange one. For some reason I must have switched my phone to silent yesterday. I woke this morning to feel really good - more refreshed than I have after a nights sleep in ages. A quick check of my Libre shows I was between 3.5 and 4.0 from 1am to 5am. My waking BG was 4.5.

I know that if I wake and my BG has been high I feel terrible, but feeling this well after a period of being low seems strange. I am aware that some on here have suggested the body benefits from quite low levels when asleep, but wondered if anyone else has experienced this. (Phone now definitely not on silent by the way!)
3.5-4.0 is actually in the range a normal person would see normally so it’s not dangerously low if it was there but stable and not dropping further so that might be why you feel okay.

Or, libre tends to read low at the lower end, and will also read low if you lie on the sensor, so perhaps you weren’t actually low at all and you were in the low 4s
Although don't experience them myself lately some users do get compression lows, so libre reads lower than what levels truly are.
Yes, I get my best sleep with stable levels slightly in the red. As @Lucyr says, as long as they are stable at that level and not dropping it should not be a concern. Also, for many people, certainly me, Libre generally reads slightly below finger prick, particularly at low levels, so a reading of 3.5 is usually nearer 4.5. I would far rather be a bit low like that and have good sleep and wake up refreshed as be at 9 or 10 all night and have restless sleep.
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