Feeling exhausted

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
sorry I've not been around lately but have felt soooo awful and didn't think I was of much use to anyone else let alone myself. After all how can I help anyone else when I can't help myself?
Well things are still hazy and I'm still struggling, the problem is I don't know whether it is simply the change to Insulin or depression, or a mixture of the two! Just want to stay in bed and be by myself.
Feel so helpless at the moment, and really don't know what the hell I'm doing anymore. Sorry to moan don't know who else to talk to, my family don't even ask hw things are or how I'm coping, as long as I'm still upright and they're looked after then thats good enough!
Thanks, take care all, shirl x
Hi Shirl, sorry to hear that you are feeling so down, it can happen to all of us from time to time, and not always with a discernible reason :(

But, don't apologise about coming here to let us know, because that's a part of why we're here - we're a support forum, and it doesn't always have to mean giving, it can mean asking for help too, or just letting out your feelings amongst people who can empathise.

Sorry also to hear that your family are being selfish. Perhaps they are so used to you coping with your and their needs that they don't know quite what to say. In any case, I hope that it is something transitory, and that you are feeling much better in the morning - let's all have a fabulous Thursday! (It is Thursday tomorrow, isn't it? 🙂)
This exactly where I was at the end of last week. It's awful when you're doing your best and it's not working, soul destroying in fact. I don't have much support at home either and it doesn't help. Have you tried sitting your OH down and telling him how you're feeling? Being honest with him might do some good, it's at least worth a try. You have to realise they're not psychic and those closest to us are often the last to realise something's up. So tell them.

sorry to hear you are not feeling well do you have a cpn or mht you can get some help from for the depression. I suffer from depression and it can be a bugger at times if you ever wanna chat feel free to pm me. Take care
Thanks for replies guys, I do know my family arn't psychic but would be good if just once they asked if I was ok? Am I expecting too much?

Maybe I just to need to put up or shut up huh?

And yeah Northerner tomorrow is Thursday! Hp we all have a good one, take care, lv shirl x
Hi Shirl,
Sorry to hear your feeling down. Don't know how long you've been on insulin? I started in Feb after 4 yrs on meds, and I'm finding adapting a struggle too. For me some of that is due to the fact that I've always feared insulin. Are your levels doing ok? It can be really tough, and sometimes it feels like no one understands. But thats what we're all here for. If we cant support each other, who can! Hope you feel better soon. And keep posting. Dont worry about asking for support, its all swings & roundabouts with this thing!
Thanks for replies guys, I do know my family arn't psychic but would be good if just once they asked if I was ok? Am I expecting too much?

No, you're not expecting too much

Maybe I just to need to put up or shut up huh?

Don't you dare, silence is NOT golden
Hi Shirl

Sorry to hear you're so down.

It's most certainly not too much to expect your family to ask if you're ok. But if your family have got used to not asking, it's definitely ok to remind them that that's what you do expect
Families don't mean to be horrible, but they often 'don't think' and 'not thinking' can be very hurtful, and it's ok to feel angry / sad / like hibernating.

Indulge yourself tonight........ and as it is indeed Thursday tomorrow, here's hoping you have a better one......

I'm glad your back, sorry to hear your not feeling better in yourself though. Don't apologise for moaning that's what were here for and sometimes it can really help so keep moaning to us 🙂 xx
Sorry to hear you are down.

Have you had your thyroid checked out? Just a thought.

As to families - well. The things I would have said have already been written by others.
Awww Shirl!
Not good hun. You are help to others. You always cheer me up when I'm down. I have the opposite problem, where I am always asked if I'm ok and it does my head in. I know its only because they care but sometimes I just wish they'd let me live lol.
Your an amazing person and highly vauled here!
At least your aware your not feeling great and thats the first start to feeling better. If you start to feel worse don't forget to talk to me about it, well all of us. Maybe talk to your doc if you think its the change in meds to find out if its a regular side effect or not.
Massive Hugs hunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all, thanx for the msgs of support. I really appreciate your input. Sometimes think I'm the only one that has the crap feelings!

I know I can master these things given time, but I get very impatient, especially with myself! Feel I should cope better than I do! :(

I do try to keep my mind occupied but that is easier said than done!
Just wish I could stop the world from turning and get off . . . . . . . . . .

Have been on Insulin for about 3 wks now, so am probably trying to run before I can walk! Am on Antidepressants too and last time I tried to talk to CPN bout the D all she said was that it was a medical problem and nothing to do with her! The only 2 good things are my DSN (she's been really gr8), and you guys have kept me going too, thank you, thank you,thank you!

I'm sure things will get betta for me just got to be patient, anyway will go now I've had yet another moan, take care all, lv shirl xx

big hugs for all xx
hey shirl nice to see you back...ive had a week of lots of stress and yes it doesnt help ...i bottle it all up then had to explode the other night ....everything has calmed down again but i have a stinking cold !!!! keep well huni ...keep posting cos its good for us xxx🙂
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