Feeling down

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I know it's common to feel down. I've been a type 2 diabetics for 20years approximately and the majority of the time it's not bothered me. I've got on with my life but just lately I ask myself why me?

This has been not been helped by my latest HbA1c which is up a little from last time. I know it's an average of 3 months but I have mine every 6 months so feel it's a rubbish result. My HbA1c last time was due to using Libre 2 and Dexcom One. For many reasons I haven't used either since last year.

I know I am lucky compared to type 1s as I don't have to inject insulin so feel guilty complaining
Sorry to hear that you're feeling down HalfpipMarathon.

There's loads of reasons why your HbA1c might have gone up, please don't beat yourself up about it. Also, it's not about how others are doing, or what challenges they might be facing, it's about you and how you feel. If you're feeling down, that'll affect your blood sugar levels, and you're fine to complain, the forum is here for supporting each other and venting when things aren't going so well.

Is it something that you think you need to see your diabetes nurse/GP about, either for the management of your diabetes, or for your mood if you're a bit down at the moment? Or phone the diabetes helpline and talk to someone about?

I'm not sure I have any answers, but please look after yourself and be kind to yourself, Sarah
Sorry to hear you are feeling down @HalfpipMarathon. As you said, it is common for people with diabetes to go through periods of low mood and it should be something that your healthcare team will be familiar with and can offer help. We have a lot to deal with on a daily basis and it is never ending, whether you are watching your diet, exercise or using insulin. I go through periods where things get on top of me and I feel like I just want to be able to eat what I want when I want without any negative effects on my BG (even with insulin it is always a balancing act).

I manage to put a positive spin on things by being thankful that I know I have diabetes and am doing something about it, plus I get regular health screenings (annual checks with GP/nurse, regular HbA1c, kidney function, cholesterol, etc. blood tests and retina screenings). All of these most likely wouldn’t be be done if I didn’t have diabetes, so I am getting regular checks to catch anything early and get the best care for my health.

Never feel guilty about complaining, it is always worth reaching out to someone just to talk it over with like the old adage “a problem shared is a problem halved”. Take care of yourself.
Sorry to hear you are feeling down @HalfpipMarathon. As you said, it is common for people with diabetes to go through periods of low mood and it should be something that your healthcare team will be familiar with and can offer help. We have a lot to deal with on a daily basis and it is never ending, whether you are watching your diet, exercise or using insulin. I go through periods where things get on top of me and I feel like I just want to be able to eat what I want when I want without any negative effects on my BG (even with insulin it is always a balancing act).

I manage to put a positive spin on things by being thankful that I know I have diabetes and am doing something about it, plus I get regular health screenings (annual checks with GP/nurse, regular HbA1c, kidney function, cholesterol, etc. blood tests and retina screenings). All of these most likely wouldn’t be be done if I didn’t have diabetes, so I am getting regular checks to catch anything early and get the best care for my health.

Never feel guilty about complaining, it is always worth reaching out to someone just to talk it over with like the old adage “a problem shared is a problem halved”. Take care of yourself.
Thank you. I have booked my retinal screening. Fortunately it's where I work @local hospital. I have to call my GP surgery later today as they don't have enough appointments on the system ATM, to book a non urgent routine telephone appointment to discuss my HbA1c blood result.
Sorry to hear you are feeling down @HalfpipMarathon :(

Hope you get an appointment and can discuss your feelings with your GP/nurse to keep them in the picture with how you are feeling.

Be kind to yourself, and keep doing what you can. You are enough, just as you are.
Sorry to hear you are feeling down @HalfpipMarathon :(

Hope you get an appointment and can discuss your feelings with your GP/nurse to keep them in the picture with how you are feeling.

Be kind to yourself, and keep doing what you can. You are enough, just as you are.
Thank you. I have a telephone appointment on 6th April earliest I can get. I have also decided not to continue with Dexcom One. The initial attraction to Dexcom was not having to scan. However I have to call to order individual sensors and I am not happy with the layout of the data on the receiver (old phone wasn't compatible with the app).

I'm returning to Libre 2. As I am not on insulin I just use the Time In Range feature to motivate me to eat better.
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