Feeling down on holiday. (A self pitying rant)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Firstly my apologies for this self centered whinge.
I know there are people far worse off than me but I just need to get it off my chest.
As some of you will know I was diagnosed type 2 about 4 weeks ago so all this is very new to me.
We have just come away on holiday and I am amazed by how hard I am finding it.
I thought I was getting used to the "no can't have that" that seems to have taken over my life but being on holiday seems to have brought up a whole new bunch of challenges. Ok so Ice cream is bad but where can you buy a frozen yoghurt cone? Cafe for lunch? Oh look loads of choices, no wait a minute I'm diabetic so I'll have the chicken on wholemeal (hold the mayo) again.
Dinner at the hotel... No dessert trolly for me.
Can I have a low fat yoghurt for desset? again. ARgggghhhhhh
I think things are magnified because I have time to think and wallow in self pity which I am usually too busy to do as well as being with my family who I love dearly but have to watch not making the sensible choice if you know what I mean.
I hope thiss doesn't all sound as though I am right up my own wassoo but I just needed to get it off my chest.
I am sure it will get easier in time but just at the moment I was thinking I was getting to grips with it I realise just how far there still it to go.
So I would appreciate any holiday related tips on coping, eating or anything else really.
Oh yes and anyone got any ideas for a birthday cake / treat I can have while I'm away as I have experimented with sticking a candle in a Muller Light but it keeps sinking before I can blow it out.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.


Or it may just be because I'm stuck in the hotel room because the weathers rubbish!

Feel better already now I've had a rant.
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Hi Chris, no problems with the rant - part of the reason we're here! It is still early days with you, and it can be very difficult, especially when eating out or during a 'treat' period when you would normally let yourself go a bit. After a while, you will build up your own personal 'database' of things that are a bit naughty, but OK for you to have. It's a bit of a revelation too, when you realise, probably for the first time, that you need to think about food and make choices you didn't need to just a few weeks ago. But it WILL get easier and you will adapt.

Do try to put it to the back of your mind and enjoy your holiday, and do allow yourself some treats - everyone needs them from time to time and a holiday is the perfect reason. You'll find in time that the treats are even better because you're not over-indulging!🙂
ChrisP - this made me smile at the memory of being on holiday last year in the south of France and getting back from a restaurant in an absolutely foul temper as I had found it so difficult. Like you are finding - holidays can really bring the challenges into focus. One tip for dessert - look at the starter menu and see if they have a fruit based starter and order that for your pudding - at least you get to eat. Not sure if you are in the UK but Pizza Express now do frozen yoghurt based dessert - it does have added sugar. Eventually my indulgences on holiday turned out to be steak and cheese - and lingering over really good coffee

In terms of birthday - no suggestions other than to allow yourself a small piece of cake and share the rest with the family.

Hope the weather improves for you as I found "diversion" the best form of defence - if the main activity of the day focused around food then I felt more deprived than ever
hey chris no need this place is for this reason , we have good and bad day we are all here to help you out , as been said just treat your self to a small piece of cake or maybe some small butterfly cakes just to say you have had something. just please try and enjoy your hols it id hard but just relax and enjoy xx take care
Hello Chris.

I know exactly what you mean when you say you are overcome with frustration when it comes to eating out on holiday.

We went away a month ago and I was dreading it!

In the event, it turned out better than I could have imagined. As one Type 2 to another, this is what happened:

For breakfast, I took my own pre-prepared sugar-free muesli, had the grafefruit that was available and then really filled up on the full cooked breakfast!

That was great - it put me on nicely till lunch time.

On the first day I found a salad bar and I selected my own components to go in the take-away salad dish, thus avoiding noodles and anything mixed with mayonnaise.

Evenings are problematical in that so many place offer potatoes and peas as the vegetable - and nothing else. I sidestepped this problem by going to a Chinese, ordering items without any of the sauces and always having a dish of vegetables, and by going to a Thai; where I concentrated on the protein dishes. This worked out well and my blood glucose readings pleased me enormously.

Hope yo can sort something out.
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I was just going to suggest Low Carbing it , fill up on proteins and then as your levels will be lower you can still have an icecream or a dessert as a treat , its the best of both worlds that way :D
Hi Chris, I hope you're feeling better. It is still early days for you. We all have highs and lows and come here for help. Some days are better than others.

It takes time to work out what is allowed and what isn't, whole meal bread and pasta are slower release carbs, so you don't need to cut out all of your favourite foods, and provided your diet is good and well balanced, there is still room for a treat once in a while.
Hi Chris,

How are you feeling today? Hope you've had a good sleep & that you found some yummy T2 friendly things on the breakfast menu this morning! 🙂

All the best,

hi, where are you holidaying at?

I went on holiday a month after diagnosis but was in las vegas and the food was mainly buffet style so didnt have a problem.

Hope the weather is better for you today?

Take care

Julie x
Hi all,
Thanks for all you replies and good wishes.
Feeling better today as the sun has come out both outside and in my head.
Also my wife read the post and understood how I was feeling which helped with the assoicated guilt.
It makes it so much better knowing that I am not alone in this so thank you all for your support.
anytime chris we are here for one anotehr im pleased the wife read the post as well gives her a look into what your feelings are going through etc etc
Hi all,
Thanks for all you replies and good wishes.
Feeling better today as the sun has come out both outside and in my head.
Also my wife read the post and understood how I was feeling which helped with the assoicated guilt.
It makes it so much better knowing that I am not alone in this so thank you all for your support.

Anytime Chris , we all know how you feel , we live with Diabetes all the time. If you ever need to rant or ask a question we are here 🙂🙂 glad to hear things are good with you today :D
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