Feeling different, and so HUNGRY!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I can't get over how different I feel since I went onto a pump on Wednesday. I seem to have more energy and am less tired, less grumpy, and much happier. Not only that, but I'm permanently hungry. I tend to eat a lot anyway, but this is almost unsupportable. I can barely wait two hours before wanting to snack. It's bad enough now in winter when I do much less work, but I wonder what's going to happen when I'm burning 4-6,000kcal a day in spring and summer?

Did anyone else get this hunger when changing onto a pump?
I cant remember if I was like this before the pump, but Im always hungry! Not great...I love a snack and Im overweight.

When I was told about the pump and how great it was, you can snack etc etc, then I read 'think like a pancreas' and realised I needed to stop to avoid a perminant peak. I try, thats all I can say....!

Hope the pump is working out well for you and not still giving you this problem! 🙂
can't remember about the hungery bit when I went on the pump...

But I was in floods of tears before the first week was out🙂

But they were tears of joy, like you I felt full of engery etc, and not having hypo's a couple times a day for 5 days was such a relief it was amazing... Didn't get one for 6 weeks, and when I experienced my first one it was sooo different, so less aggresive and draining than that I suffered with MDI...

But hopefullly it should all settle down, but I know some pumpers have said they gained wieght in the first 6 months, I hoped I would as I'm border line underweight, I managed about a kilo in the first 6 months then flippen lost it:(😡
Feel 80% better but no hunger 🙂
When I went onto my pump I was eating 3 meals a day with snacks in between. Going on the pump meant that I didn't need to snack so I would go at least 4-5 hours between eating. I was VERY hungry for about two weeks but then I got used to it. I lost 2 stone in weight and have kept it off ever since. :D
Well funnily enough most of us parents with kids who go onto a pump can actually say that we see our kids change overnight. They become more like they used to be before D kicked in. In my daughter's case because there was no 'before D' the change was still there, she became even more happier and bouncier and its hard to put your finger on it, but it happens and its there.

Great stuff, I'm glad you are enjoying it. 🙂
Yeah thanks guys!

I'm still feeling brill, but have lost the extra hungriness. I think it's because the pump has almost immediately improved my control, and my body didn't like sitting in the 4s so much. I never thought I'd be able to eat bigger meals and not snack between them so much. Weird!

I'm not entirely looking forward to all the heavy duty logging and analysis I'll need to do to understand exactly what's happening in my body, but it needs to be done to keep the good control through the ups and downs of days of heavy exercise and rest.

I've already done two bouts of overnight basal testing, that was pretty interesting and showed up a fairly significant dawn phenomenon.
well my little one aged 1 and a half just went on a pump on monday - she changed overnight! I couldn't really put my finger on it either, but just seemed happier. Of course because she can't talk yet she can't describe how she feels now, but having read the adults comments about going on the pump it must be like that for her - brilliant!
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