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Feeling bit let down by NHS


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hiya this is my first and probably not last rant...
Been trying to contact DSN's at Addenbrookes on 3 occasions today due to some probs that concerned me yesterday...

Have beeen drinking lots yet not alot of urine being produced, feeling shoddy (lethargic etc) so went to Walk In Centre... they tested urine showed ketones, glucose, protien and trace blood... they told me to try and get appt with diabetic team for this week (its was thursday, and live a far way away). BM was 8.9mmols at the WIC

Well I called NHS Direct last night and they told me to get an emergency appt at GP asap... (this is when the OOH service didnt start til 630pm..and my GP closes at 615pm)
Then tried to contact Addenbrookes this morning, didnt get through til about 230 pm today, they told me I should arrange a GP Appt asap for full blood screen and work over....if was closer they wanted me in there asap for full work up..

Been to GP; gave my foot a quick work over.. said trapped nerve go away eventually.. and some urine and blood tests for kidney profile and to rule out infection.... on the spot sample showed protien, glucose and slight ketones... so now have to wait til monday to get bloods done and then another 3 days for results...BM was 15.9mmols

:confused: and peed off...

Anyone have anything to say??
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Hi Catareta

Glad to hear you made contact and got advice eventually. I've never had to contact Addenbrookes in an emergency, but I have found that leaving messages on a variety of answerphones, with brief details of issue / problem and giving my phone number where I can be reached, usually results in a timely response. I have also been given email addresses for consultant, nurse etc, which I have used to let her know when my DVLA licence form has come through, to arrange when went in to give a talk to staff, a query about how to obtain a new pen device when cartridge size changed unexpectedly a few years ago etc. For non urgent enquries, I prefer email to phone, as staf can deal with my query when it's convenient to them, without displacing more urgent enquiries by phone or in person. Did you phone GP this morning to arrange an appointment, as suggested by NHS Direct, or wait until you got through to Addenbrookes?

Possibly high BM due to being pissed off?!? Not surprising under the circumstances.
Well I have been able to contact Addenbrookes, and just been to GP... so I have to wait til monday so can have blood tests done....my GP just requested random BM & kidney function...
Still dont feel satisfied again, no quarms with Addenbrookes, if lived nearer would have got admitted anyway...
hi have you been told about increasing insulin to combat the letones as when you are ill your body uses the insulin to reduce ketones and there fore needs more. which insulin regime do you follow is iy quick acting plus long or just long. If you continue to feel lathargic and feel sick go to AE. Ketones are serious do not let them go unsorted!!!! i left them once and spent 4 days in hdu due to ketoacidosis. if you need advice just let me know i have had type 1 33 years now and now have a pump.
Thanks Tracy & Copepod...

Well regarding my regime; I am on Humalog & Lanctus and never been given sick day rules....
Feeling bit better this morning, but think know why I have protien & blood in urine.. dreaded kidney stone (I think)... but have been drinking loads to flush the crap out...

The funny thing is I only seem to produce ketones when BM is 30mmols + so when it was detected was bit shocked...
Glad you are feeling better.
Make sure you see to your diabetes nurse or speak to them about sick days. These are more important than we know. Ketones when ill come in at any sugar level, but if bloods of 30 you are suffering from Hyperglyemica and will lead to complications later on. After having the disease for some years now i have had diabetic retinaopothy and have had a detached retina which they put them back together, i realiase how important it is we need to keep them as good as possible and we are all going to have off days, especially if we have had a celebration or been ill.
Hope you get things sorted