Feeling a little frustrated

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So I've been on a High since my last bloods (March 2024) even though my cholestrol came back higher and my hba1c had risen to 53 (death of my dad and I lost track) but joined gym in march and I'm eating relatively healthy, so I had to have my b12 repeated today as well as liver function and full blood count as they were slightly out of range which is fine, but the nurse also told Me they was repeating my hba1c today even though it was only done In march, I asked why when my diabetic nurse had a plan to repeat in 4 months, but a diabetic specialist requested for it to be done today, told thr nurse I was a bit annoyed as this want explained to me when I had my diabetic review, she said 3 months, said this is just gonna cause major anxiety now as my hba1c won't have dropped in the space of a month if at all, and if it's higher I'm gonna feel like I've failed, told the nurse today that I've been eating better since mid March and at the gym, still have occasional snacks but cut back from what I used to be like, but if I'd of known back in march that they would be repeating my hba1c then I could of prepared for it and been even stricter with diet, feel so annoyed for them putting this added stress onto me, I know they are looking after me but if ive been told a plan it should be stuck to ( my diabetic foot check is 4 months overdue, was due in Dec but nobody has picked up on that) luckily my feet are fine and I can feel pulses etc, it's principle, repeat a hba1c after a nonth but not foot check. Sorry for long post
So I've been on a High since my last bloods (March 2024) even though my cholestrol came back higher and my hba1c had risen to 53 (death of my dad and I lost track) but joined gym in march and I'm eating relatively healthy, so I had to have my b12 repeated today as well as liver function and full blood count as they were slightly out of range which is fine, but the nurse also told Me they was repeating my hba1c today even though it was only done In march, I asked why when my diabetic nurse had a plan to repeat in 4 months, but a diabetic specialist requested for it to be done today, told thr nurse I was a bit annoyed as this want explained to me when I had my diabetic review, she said 3 months, said this is just gonna cause major anxiety now as my hba1c won't have dropped in the space of a month if at all, and if it's higher I'm gonna feel like I've failed, told the nurse today that I've been eating better since mid March and at the gym, still have occasional snacks but cut back from what I used to be like, but if I'd of known back in march that they would be repeating my hba1c then I could of prepared for it and been even stricter with diet, feel so annoyed for them putting this added stress onto me, I know they are looking after me but if ive been told a plan it should be stuck to ( my diabetic foot check is 4 months overdue, was due in Dec but nobody has picked up on that) luckily my feet are fine and I can feel pulses etc, it's principle, repeat a hba1c after a nonth but not foot check. Sorry for long post
I wouldn't worry too much about it as if some of your other results were out of range, for example high leucocytes in the Full blood count that could have indicated an infection which could have made your HbA1C higher or if it showed anaemia again could affect the HbA1C result. In any case people should be making changes to their diet for the long term benefit not just to give them a good HbA1C which might not represent what is sustainable for them.
I am sure we all know the value of a healthy diet all the time but appointments definitely motivate us to maintain it.
I look at my upcoming HBA1c in the same way I look at a dentist appointment - no matter how much I (and my dentist) tell myself the importance of flossing every day, I know I am more thorough the month before my appointment.
I think it is just human nature.
I wouldn't worry too much about it as if some of your other results were out of range, for example high leucocytes in the Full blood count that could have indicated an infection which could have made your HbA1C higher or if it showed anaemia again could affect the HbA1C result. In any case people should be making changes to their diet for the long term benefit not just to give them a good HbA1C which might not represent what is sustainable for them.
My b12 was low, may ALT (liver was slightly over threshold) and one of my fbcs was a little off, I totally agree with the hba1c, this is why I've joined the gym, cut back on bad stuff, more water, leafy greens, I'm just saying if I was aware they was doing my hba1c today then I probs for example wouldn't of had thr extra packet of crisps, I'm making healthier choices as I hopefully want to someday be in remission and keep that way, don't want a short term fix, want to be able to keep it sustainable throughout my life, just caught off guard with the re testing so a bit anxious.
My b12 was low, may ALT (liver was slightly over threshold) and one of my fbcs was a little off, I totally agree with the hba1c, this is why I've joined the gym, cut back on bad stuff, more water, leafy greens, I'm just saying if I was aware they was doing my hba1c today then I probs for example wouldn't of had thr extra packet of crisps, I'm making healthier choices as I hopefully want to someday be in remission and keep that way, don't want a short term fix, want to be able to keep it sustainable throughout my life, just caught off guard with the re testing so a bit anxious.
Don't worry, that packet of crisps will make NO difference to your HbA1C, to a blood glucose from a finger prick maybe.
I am sure we all know the value of a healthy diet all the time but appointments definitely motivate us to maintain it.
I look at my upcoming HBA1c in the same way I look at a dentist appointment
My b12 was low, may ALT (liver was slightly over threshold) and one of my fbcs was a little off, I totally agree with the hba1c, this is why I've joined the gym, cut back on bad stuff, more water, leafy greens, I'm just saying if I was aware they was doing my hba1c today then I probs for example wouldn't of had thr extra packet of crisps, I'm making healthier choices as I hopefully want to someday be in remission and keep that way, don't want a short term fix, want to be able to keep it sustainable throughout my life, just caught off guard with the re testing so a bit anxious.
- no matter how much I (and my dentist) tell myself the importance of flossing every day, I know I am more thorough the month before my appointment.
I think it is just human nature.
Yes exactly, this is what I was trying to get across, I'm not that silly to kind of crash diet Before an appointment to get My levels down, then go back to bad habits, I was just caught off guard and a bit upset, if the diabetic nurse had told Me they was being repeated in a months time (rather than the 3 she stated) I would of been a bit more mindful of what i was eating and said no to the treats instead of being a bit more relaxed.
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