Feeling a bit sorry for myself...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Slipped and fell outside my front door went to A and E and I have fractured my coccyx 😡 There is nothing they can do apart from painkillers, doc says it will probably be painful for about a month, especially when I sit down :( sorry just needed a bit of a moan...
Sorry to hear you slipped and hurt yourself. I hope you feel better soon. A friend who had a similar accident took about 3 or 4 weeks to mend. The pain eases over that time too.
Sorry to hear you slipped and hurt yourself. I hope you feel better soon. A friend who had a similar accident took about 3 or 4 weeks to mend. The pain eases over that time too.

OUCH sorry to hear this cazscot not good for you , well all you can do now is have plenty R&R i guess get back to full health soon xx
Poor you, I did something similar during a snowboarding lesson a couple of years back. Driving was the worst, the driving position put pressure on just the wrong bit.

Make sure you get lots of fuss made of you, hope it heals fast
Sorry to hear that Cazscot, sounds very painful and uncomfortable. I've always been terrified of slipping since I broke my humerus in 1996. Hope you recover quicker than you expect and that it doesn't spoil your Christmas too much.
Oooo now that hurts. I've done that snowboarding years ago and couldn't sit down for months. I bought one of those medical cushions with the hole cut out in the back, was brilliant and worked wonders.
Poor you, I did something similar during a snowboarding lesson a couple of years back. ...

Oooo now that hurts. I've done that snowboarding years ago and couldn't sit down for months. I bought one of those medical cushions with the hole cut out in the back, was brilliant and worked wonders.

Glad I've never been snowboarding nor ever had the desire to!😱
poor old you that hurts im sure xxx take care
Glad I've never been snowboarding nor ever had the desire to!😱

Don't blame you. Came off it, ended up sitting on it to get down the slope, no-one told me there was a river covered in snow 😱 Got quite wet, back to skis after that for me.
If you'd asked before you did it, I could have told you it HURTS!!!!

There is an inflatable ring you can get from specialist disability shops, they will know what it is you're after - buy a decent quality one, they really take the pressure off when you sit down!

If it's a clean fracture you'll be tender for a good while, so get a good ring.
Oh, poor you, sounds nasty. Hope you're not in too much pain for too long

Sorry to hear that :( It does sound very painful! Hope you manage to stay fairly comfortable and heal soon! xx
owwwww, that sounds painfull (bruised myself once there, at a roller disco...don't ask....needless to say, stayed away from them since). Get well soon.
Oh, this is so painful! Sorry to hear this. I cracked mine once in a wave pool...just AWFUL. Jumped up...wave went out...landed on pool floor. And my daughter did hers as a toddler by sitting/falling onto the corner of a skirting board. She didn't stand up for a day, didn't walk for two, and sat on cushions for a long time after!

I feel for you. Get the ring and I really hope it helps.
If you'd asked before you did it, I could have told you it HURTS!!!!

LOL Einstein - I would have thought with the considerable amount of padding on my bahookie I would have been ok... :D
Thanks everyone, My dad is on a mission today to find me one of the rings... 🙂
LOL Einstein - I would have thought with the considerable amount of padding on my bahookie I would have been ok... :D

I would never comment on the size or shape of a ladies beam end 😛 Too many black eyes because I've opened my big mouth at the wrong time, and the rise in the pitch of my voice might also be a bit of a give away. 😱

At least you can laugh now :D Hope your dad gets that ring fast!

If your base is that size, could I suggest a lorry inner tube - now, now, put that knee down, please...!
I would never comment on the size or shape of a ladies beam end 😛 Too many black eyes because I've opened my big mouth at the wrong time, and the rise in the pitch of my voice might also be a bit of a give away. 😱

At least you can laugh now :D Hope your dad gets that ring fast!

If your base is that size, could I suggest a lorry inner tube - now, now, put that knee down, please...!

Lorry inner tube - now theres an idea :D ...
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