Feeling a bit guilty

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just had my hba1c results and theyre very good, 5.8, and been told to reduce my medication, trouble is its all too easy, been cheating FAR too much and had a couple of marathon drinking sessions.
If i followed the same diet a lot of posters on here follow i could maybe understand the low hba1c level but i dont! doctors and friends keep saying well done but dont feel i really deserve their praise as its been far too easy so far.
I guess what im getting at as the question of whether diabetes gets harder to control the longer you have it?
I think there are so many variables Jeff, so it's hard to say. A lot might depend on how long you were undiagnosed for, or it might be your genetic make up that's helping you. I sometimes feel the same way, as my blood sugar levels have been pretty good ever since diagnosis. I do get the occasional double-figure reading but not up into the 20s and 30s like some.

It may be that your pancreas is simply better able to cope with the carbs etc. that you eat than others, although remember that you have been taking medication that a non-diabetic wouldn't need. There is a broad spectrum of experience amongst the members here and I am sure there are other 'lucky' ones like you! 🙂

The best strategy is to take it seriously now - don't become complacent, because if things should get worse you'll regret not doing more now when things are less demanding.
Thanks Northerner your replys are so knowledgeable and balanced they make me feel more at ease with my diabetes, is there such thing as a diabetes counsellor? if so i think all surgeries should have one and you would be perfect for the job!
i asked about a diabetic counciller the gp hadnt heard of such a thing ...all the best John i do understand where you are comming from x🙂
Hi Jeff

I do reckon that if you push your luck too much early on, you may find it more difficult to enjoy yourself later.
I suspect the only reason I got away with guessing so much of mine for the best part of 30 years is because I didn't do anything to excess. I'd have some of everything but stopped before it hurt me.

Guess I'm saying similar to Northerner, in that you might be best to ease back on the sessions and put your hands up to the cheating rather than wait til something breaks 😱


ps. temptation is the hardest thing to resist 😉
Well there is something very similar... psychologists who specialise in Diabetes!
Dam diabetes I dont drink i follow a good diet with the odd treat here and there yet i cant get my hbA below 6, it's just sods law .😡
Ukjeff - you're right, there's more to life than diabetes; by that I mean, life if for doing fun things; no point adding miserable years to life; but no point messing up life and years by overdoing certain foods, not enough activity / exercise etc.
Personally, I really enjoy the odd non low fat / non low sugar food / drop of alcohol (although never really have anything that could be described as marathon drinking sessions, mainly because I need to walk / cycle home afterwards), often associated with activity eg I was given a bottle of wine for marshalling at a challenge walk last weekend (I only ran 4 miles of the 31 completed by runners) and today's outing to provide kayak safety cover for a triathlon was rewarded by a bacon butty, hot coffee, energy bar and fruit juice carton. My consultant is usually as intrigued by my sports injuries (eg lost toenails from running down steep slopes) as my HbA1c at annual review.
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