feeling a bit down :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
:( feeling a bit down , things are getting on top of me and finding it hard to see the positive , my neuropathy seems to be getting worse?!? but not sure if it is the neuropaty or something else> before i gave up being a chef i burned my arm really badly 10 yrs ago now , it was a 3rd degree burn that took ages to heal and got infected aswell i have a scar on my arm about the size of a digestive buiscit i havent had any problems with it since it healed though , any way now the side of my arm that has the scar on is numb and is numb from the scar down to the side of my wrist and down the side of my hand right down to my little finger , i guess i just assumed initially that it was the neuropaty but some one mentioned to me that mabey the burn had dammaged the nerves in my arm ( it was very deep lost a chunk of my arm about 1/2cm ) but like i said i havent had a problem with it before , but then i think am i just in denial that things arnt as good as they should be and it is the neuropaty , any way its bought up a whole load of emotions and feelings about life , my kids and family , i guess im scared and feeling a bit like im falling apart , i dont want to talk to my o/h as he deals with so much already and mabey im just having an overly emotional moment but it helps to write it down , thanks
Bex - sorry you are feeling so down. I'm afraid I don't know anything about neuropathy or burns so can not give any advice. Have you spoken to your DSN or GP about this at all? I can understand why you don't want to speak to your o/h but I am sure he would rather know how you are feeling. Maybe if you still feel the same in a day or so you should speak to him?
Big Hugs
Hi bex, sorry to hear you are feeling down. Sometimes things just start to overwhelm us a bit don't they? I really dislike this time of year, especially when I feel housebound by the weather (fear of ice since breaking arm/leg). Also, January brings pressure to start the new year with some kind of positive attitude that I rarely feel, which makes me feel worse.

I'm not doing very well at cheering you up am I?🙄

Do see the doctor about your arm if it is troubling you. It may not be anything to do with the diabetes, or it may be something that you are noticing more because you are more aware of your body due to the diabetes and neuropathy. I hope that you get a good night's sleep and that things are brighter in the morning.🙂
Sorry bex feel so useless xxx hugs from me hun xxxxxxx
I'd posted a long reply to this last night I'd thought!

Here goes...

Neuropathy isn't usually in the limb or part of the body where the pain or numbness is felt. It has taken me a long time and a lot of pain and discomfort to learn that neuropathic pain is usually from the spinal cord.

The pain and subsequent distress from neuropathic pain isn't to be dismissed, people when you describe phantom pain or numbness may think you're making it up, especially as it can be in your elbow for a few hours, then move to your shoulder for no reason, then go.

Pain or numbness caused by a burn or other injury could well be actual nerve damage on it's own or in conjunction with neuropathy.

Seeing your GP should enable them to test your neurological system out and if need be refer you to see a specialist for further tests.

Good control is a major part of controlling neuropathy, but it's not the only solution to it, drug treatment can work quite well, very well or not at all. Accupuncture on the otherhand can deliver great pain relief, especially to one problem area (recurring) for anything from a few days to a few weeks. For me it's about one week.

The best pain control device I've found is my TENS machine, it works by sending a corrupted signal to the brain to cancel the pain signal that would otherwise be sent by the neuropathy. It might be worth asking your GP if they have or know of a scheme where you can try one before you buy it. Usually pain clinics have a trial scheme and also run courses on how to get the best from them.

Hope things ease soon.
Hi bex, sorry to hear you are feeling down. Sometimes things just start to overwhelm us a bit don't they? I really dislike this time of year, especially when I feel housebound by the weather (fear of ice since breaking arm/leg). Also, January brings pressure to start the new year with some kind of positive attitude that I rarely feel, which makes me feel worse.

I'm not doing very well at cheering you up am I?🙄

Do see the doctor about your arm if it is troubling you. It may not be anything to do with the diabetes, or it may be something that you are noticing more because you are more aware of your body due to the diabetes and neuropathy. I hope that you get a good night's sleep and that things are brighter in the morning.🙂

Know the feeling Northerner. I got apprehensive about ice after falling and breaking my wrist in 2003. Someone told me you should not put your arm out but I am not convinced as you could do a nasty to your face/head. Since facturing my femur I am not very condident on unstable (e.g. sandy beaches) or slippery surfaces.

Bex the time of year also makes me feel down. I am not so bothered about the cold but motre the knock on effects. Dangerous roads and pavements, the rubbish train service that has become even worse, rubbish not being collected, warnings that if you clear your path and someone falls you could be sued, potenial gas shortages, etc, etc. It was not like this 20/30 years ago. Roll on summer!
ive made a dr's appointment about my arm , so i will let you know how it goes , hopefully finding out whats causing it
ive made a dr's appointment about my arm , so i will let you know how it goes , hopefully finding out whats causing it

Bex - I hope they can work out what is happening, and do something about it for you. Make sure you let us know how you get on.
from my admittedly small store of knowledge I think nerve damage from a burn would have been noticed immediately. However, it's possible that neuropathy could make any existing damage feel worse, I don't imagine this cold weather helps either. See what the doctor has to say. Meantime take a little 'me time' and spoil yourself by doing something you enjoy. I hope you feel better soon.
good hope its gets sorted at docs hun xxxx
Hi Bex, I hope you are feeling better and things are sorted. I know a couple of people who have scars from burns who say it hurts more in very cold weather.
Hi Bex, Agree with Caroline re feeling worse in the Winter. I know my old injuries and that of my son always seem to be more painful at this time of year. Hope all goes well for you. Take care, keep warm.
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