Feeling a bit anxious

Thank you everyone.its a level 3 course in a nursery I'm nervous about finding it to much and being watched my assessor.

I’m sure the course will be fine 🙂 I don’t like being watched either and I get stressed about it beforehand, but usually the assessors are nice and actually the worst bit is before the assessment when you’re worrying about it happening.

Just concentrate on your course, carefully and steadily, and I’m sure you’ll do well.
I think a little nervousness is only to be expected @corriefan

Is any of your anxiety related to your diabetes? How have things been going? Have you been caught out or surprised by unexpected BG levels?

I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly. Just remember that everyone involved wants you to succeed and to perform at your best.
I’m sure the course will be fine 🙂 I don’t like being watched either and I get stressed about it beforehand, but usually the assessors are nice and actually the worst bit is before the assessment when you’re worrying about it happening.

Just concentrate on your course, carefully and steadily, and I’m sure you’ll do well.
Thank you so much this means a lot I really appreciate your kind advice xx
I think a little nervousness is only to be expected @corriefan

Is any of your anxiety related to your diabetes? How have things been going? Have you been caught out or surprised by unexpected BG levels?

I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly. Just remember that everyone involved wants you to succeed and to perform at your best.
Thank you so much for your lovely reply this really means a lot. For some reason they've been quite high but I'm not sure if I'm still a bit tired from my lovely holiday all the travelling I started to feel really anxious a year ago September and got out in setraline it said in leaflets some people get diabetes but it's also in my family history xx
I find if I am stressed I get higher levels, so trying to stay calm will help you feel better.
And yes as others have said some nervous actually can help us perform better.
Good luck.
Hi @corriefan sorry to read about your anxiety,

I find anxiety/stress and diabetes can become a vicious circle.
Stress raises BG > high BG affects my moods ad makes me more stressed > extra stress raises my BG further > the higher BG can affect my moods more (especially when I start stressing about having a high BG) > eve more stressed > even higher BG > ...

I find reducing my BG really helps with the stress and anxiety.
Are you able to adjust your insulin dose and including a correction in your calculation when high? If not, I recommend getting in touch with your DSN and asking for help in reducing your BG.

In the meantime, be nice to yourself and try some relaxation techniques. These vary from person to person but may include meditation or just having a bath or going for a nice walk.

Take care.