Feel really fed up after yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The laser for the peripheral iridotomy was very painful at times. She completed the first eye but it was difficult getting the laser through the iris and there was also a bleed caused by the laser. The second eye was started but it was then decided to not complete the second eye for another week. They then won't know if the laser has worked on each eye for two weeks but there is a possibility that further laser or surgery will be needed. I guess I had hoped that would all be finished yesterday. Now waiting for a phone call to say when next weeks laser will be and eyes don't feel great today so not able to do much.
I think any body would feel fed up after a day like you had. I hope you start to feel better soon, and you get the next treatment sooner rather than later. Good luck with it. Keep us posted and let us know how you are getting on.

So sorry that the procedure didn't go as planned for you, not surprised your feeling down, think I would be too 🙂 hopefully when you go next wk all will go better. Try your best to stay positive, will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Take care, Shirl
Sounds very distressing and painful procedure.

Hope you have a relaxed day and start to feel better soon.
The laser for the peripheral iridotomy was very painful at times. She completed the first eye but it was difficult getting the laser through the iris and there was also a bleed caused by the laser. The second eye was started but it was then decided to not complete the second eye for another week. They then won't know if the laser has worked on each eye for two weeks but there is a possibility that further laser or surgery will be needed. I guess I had hoped that would all be finished yesterday. Now waiting for a phone call to say when next weeks laser will be and eyes don't feel great today so not able to do much.

Hello AJLang,

sorry to read your feeling down hope all goes really well for you my mum went through this treatment but I can't remember much detail as it was nearly 14 years ago.

My dad had this treatment about 5 years ago and had a similar experience to you, I'm afraid. He found it very painful in the first eye not so bad the second time. Waiting now to see if my daughter will need similar as she has cataracts caused by her diabetes
Hope it works out for you x
HI AJ sorry you had such an emtionally charged day yesterday , im hoping your going to take i as easy as you can today, try and keep calm i know its hard now it has been strung out. take care xx
Sit back, put your feet up and rest. You deffo deserve it after yesterday.
I hope it has worked the way it's supposed to and you dont need anymore.

Really sorry to hear it didn't go to plan yesterday... I hate lasering at the best of times so I really sympathise!! Fingers crossed all goes smoothly next week, meanwhile, for what it's worth, here's a big virtual hug ((((())))). Hope the eyes settle down soon!

Twitchy xx
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