Feel like I'm fighting a losing battle

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've nearly been on the pump for 9 months, and I am still struggling.

Things were going great for a while. I wasn't having any huge highs and things were finally getting sorted.

But now?

Everything seems to be going wrong again.

I think its a sign that I need to basal test again. I have been tweaking for months, trying to fine tune things and I was getting there.

But now, midmorning highs, randomly. I'm not sure if its a basal issue or a ratio that needs adjusting. I'm just so fed up with it.

Sorry, needed to rant. I'm just hating the thought of more basal testing. Because I thought with seasonal changes I would need less insulin. But I feel like I'm needing more and more, problem being is that a) with my job I need more insulin and b) I'm so insulin sensitive that a change in just 0.05 will have me either through the roof or through the floor.

I am just so frustrated. Thankfully I'm off for the next 9 days (hurrah holiday) so will be making the most of the time to basal test.

Surely being on the pump for 9 months or so should be enough time to have this fixed? Why do I feel like I'm taking one step forward and 2 steps back all the time?

sorry, rant over

edit: and by the way, if anyone tells me to get up and actually "do some basal testing" like that muppet from my blog a while back who said i was a waste of tax payers money, I will actually scream, I swear to God. Because believe it or not, I have been working so bloody hard at sorting out my basal rates and I have no idea why they aren't yet on par.
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cant really help you sam but wanted to say HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY !!
Hi Sam, sorry to hear you're still having a rough time with it :( I hope that the break from work will give you time to get it cracked - and relax and have some fun too of course! 🙂
Hi Sam, sorry to hear you're still having a rough time with it :( I hope that the break from work will give you time to get it cracked - and relax and have some fun too of course! 🙂

ah the fun is sorted, dragon age 2 on playstation 3 and a trip to Hampton Court this time next week :D

however, until friday basal testing ensues *sigh*
hampton court is fab ...btw have you started reading ghormenghast yet ....?
its right up your street 😎
hampton court is fab ...btw have you started reading ghormenghast yet ....?
its right up your street 😎

it's not arrived yet :( should be being delivered tomorrow 🙂
brilliant brilliant book ...must admit though i read the second book 'ghormenghast' first then went back to the beginning 'Titus Groan'

ps our first goldfish was called Titus :D
Sam - sorry you are having such a horrid time. Did you know that the Landmark Trust have a couple of properties in Hampton Court Palace that you can rent out (or at least they did have last time I looked at their brochure).

Hope your holiday gives you a chance to destress, unwind and feel better.
Best of luck with getting the pump levels right. Again, I've no idea how to help.

But I have been to Hampton Court a couple of times (I was born a couple of miles from it) and you will revel in it.

Here's hoping your basal testing gives you some good info sharpish!
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