fed up

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all sorry havent been on in likes years lol really fed up my blood sugers are all over the place i am trying to get them sorted now stuck in a hospital for them to do this but its getting me down and i really duno wqat to do please help
Hi Aimee, I hope things get better for you soon.

What sort of things are they doing in the hospital to help you getthe numbers down?

Look at your diet and reduce the ammount of carbs you have and think about getting more active if you're not already. There are loads of things you can do to be more active, just choose something you are happy with and will enjoy.

Not sure what else to suggest. I'm sure others will be along with other ideas too.
doing alot of stuff really giving me a strict diet etc i am doing lots of excercise fishing walking a tad of running so yeah doing lots also sorting my insulin levles thye now put me pon 4jabs a day so umm its geting beytter kind off just my self esteem and all is bad right now becausew of everything thatds happend
doing alot of stuff really giving me a strict diet etc i am doing lots of excercise fishing walking a tad of running so yeah doing lots also sorting my insulin levles thye now put me pon 4jabs a day so umm its geting beytter kind off just my self esteem and all is bad right now becausew of everything thatds happend

Hi Aimee, glad to see you back posting 🙂 OK, try not to spend too much time worrying about what's in the past, the most important thing is that you are now starting to take real control of things. It'll take a bit of hard work and dedication, but it will get easier and you'll feel so much better for it!

Going onto 4 jabs a day is so much better for your diabetes management - it gives you so much more flexibility that you would have had in the past. Are you going to go on a course to teach you how to 'carb count'? If you haven't been told about this, do ask, it's not that difficult and it will help you enormously. Lots of people come here thinking they are 'bad diabbetics' or something, but more often than not it is because they simply didn't have the proper knowledge so they could look after themselves.

Keep talking and let us know if there is anything you're not sure of and we'll be happy to help! :D
at the moment no huni i dont know anything about this but i am having my nurse pop into the hospital today to talk to me so ill have a wee chat about that so far i have been ok they are now in the 17 range where b4 they were like 29 and 30's so i have drmatically improved it so far a little way to go yet tho so far so good i think i just fiduing the new food intake the hardest as i dont like veg and i only like sweetcorn yhahaha i am a fussy git wen it comes to food ever since i was force fed veg i dont eat them anymore i know its bad of me and slap me if u like hehe
It can be difficult to get used to changes in diet, but with a little willpower and perseverance it can be done! I used to eat biscuits, crisps and cakes a lot of the time, but now I find that I hardly touch them 🙂 It's good that you're getting help with all this - you might even find there are some things you thought you'd hate but find you like!

You must have been feeling rotten to have levels that were so high all the time, so don't worry if you have been feeling down - it's only natural. Do you know when you will be leaving hospital? Do you have anyone at home to help you and keep an eye on you when you leave? Do keep us updated - don't leave it so long this time! 🙂
so sorry i left it so long ads i say i been really bad huni i attempted sucide i couldent take nomore hence why i am still in hospital i been in a mentle hospital for dsome time about 12 weeks now in this other hospital and i duno how long ill be here for so i duno and no i cant go bk home to mum coz of stuff thaytds happend not fair etc cant handle it i still cant handle it now so u will prbs see alot of m,e and if u dont dont worry its just probs got internet taken from me etc as i am using their pc ill try my best to keep in touch i am in uk so u can txt me ill pm u my number
OK Aimee, so sorry to hear that you've had such a rough time. Stay positive and get well soon. Be nice to the nurses so you can keep in touch! 🙂
When my friend was having problems with her self esteem she was told to write a list of all the things she was good at. It was Ok to write just one or two things down, but go back to the list as often as you can or as often as you want to. The list can have anything you like on it as long as it is a positive, so for instantce it could read something like:

I am good at making the bed
I am good at polishing shoes
I am good at drawing flowers

You can also include things you are getting better at with statements like

My singing is improving
My baking is getting better
I am getting fitter

I hope it helps
thankyou very much huni they are puttinf me through some treatment like congenital behaveral theripy and councling too so i guess ill get there just duno wen lol
You will get there. One thing I have had to learn is to be patient with myself (and other people). Anything woth having is worth working and waiting for.
ok getting scared wat she gona say etc i duno wat to do feeling down and cant stop crying
ok getting scared wat she gona say etc i duno wat to do feeling down and cant stop crying

Take some deep breaths aimee. The people looking after you are the ones best placed to help you and they want you to get better. Having high blood sugars affects your mood and can make you anxious and weepy, so try to stay calm.
ok getting scared wat she gona say etc i duno wat to do feeling down and cant stop crying

You have lots of things happening to you, so it is natural to be weepy. Take a deep breath, blow your nose and get a drink of water. Things will be fine, and the people looking after you will understand why you are feeling weepy. They will do what they can to work with you and help you.
ok all went okish untill i lost it and broke down infront of her we had a long chat and we are going to carry on with wat we are doing now so nothings changed really so i guess thats good i duno tho
hi aimee...some thing has changed for you hun ..by opening up and posting to us all xxx keep well xxx and GREAT BIG HUgs xxx
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