fed up

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi, im new to the boards and need some support. i am 31 and type 2 diabetic. i was diagnosed 4 years ago and currently take gliclazide and glucophage, and ramipril for high blood pressure. i hate being diabetic and still wonder at times if i really am, and when i feel like that i become erratic with taking the tablets. my dr has told me today that as i dont take it seriously he will refuse to treat me if i dont sort myself out. i only went in to see about a cold i have had for over 2 months. he wasnt helpful, started going on about diabetes again and blood pressure and was really quite nasty. now, i know its serious, but does any one else have difficulty like me in coming to terms with it? i think its unfair and surely wrong to refuse to treat me as i have not done anything to him. can someone advise me please? i am feeling pretty low lately with it all and would just like some friendly advice.
hi elaine..im so sorry to hear ur not coping too well at the moment.i was diagnosed just over 4 years ago but unlike u i have come to terms with it.i think working in the health care setting helped me as ive seen the complications that diabetes can bring but we are all different.its sad that your doctor is very negative towards you.it seems he lacks what id call a "good bedside manner".he certainly shouldnt refuse to treat you and should maybe have thought about referring you for some counselling to help you.i know there is a support group in my area maybe there is one in your area where you can meet and talk with people who share your thoughts and feelings or can just be a listening ear.ive found this site very helpful and you will soon see that you are not alone in the way you are feeling..if you ever want to bend my ear about anything please feel free....thinking of you x

I'm so sorry your are feeling so low at the moment.

I think I've come to terms with being a diabetic pretty well and still have times when I hate it and everything associated with it. I can remember when my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas last year that I just snapped and shouted "not to be diabetic" and also becoming really upset when we went to France in September and struggled to keep at it with lovely restaurants and good wine tempting me everywhere I went. I don't think I was a very pleasant holiday companion for a good while

As bluebird suggests it may help to get some counselling. As you will have read elsewhere on these boards, depression is much more common in people with diabetes than in the general population and, if you are depressed it makes taking those "good for you" decisions even more difficult

You will also realised from some of the stories in the various threads that quite a number have difficulties with their doctors. I'm very fortunate with mine and he (and the whole GP team) are very supportive and have offered me hints and tips to keep me on track. Is there another doctor you can see at the practice or perhaps a practice nurse who has experience in handling diabetes?

Hi Elaine

I visited the Doctor with a sore toe!, and came out with T2 and High Blood Pressure. I am taking loads of pills and slowly losing weight. I mentioned on a previous post somewhere, it has been a positive experience for me. I feel better, I am fitter, and my bad temper has gone.

I find it annoying that I have this 'disease', but by taking the tablets at the correct times, getting more exercise and controlling my diet (that is hard) it is working for me. Yes, I have Diabetes for the rest of my life - but I have the rest of my life to get on with and I'm going to enjoy it.

Be good!!

thankyou everyone for your kind support. its nice to know i am not alone. i am hoping to change my doctor to one thats closer to me as i feel this is part of the problem, esp when he only gives me enough meds for 26.6 days! i have a life i need to live without constant trips to re order meds. i have also been reading success stories and have decided to change my diet to mostly vegetarian with fish and no dairy. my family are good support for me and my hubby has volunteered to take on the diet too!

i think that my dr's attitude is appalling and on top of feeling down that really makes my day. still, i will turn to you guys when i have a diabetic worry as i know i will get friendly ears. i cant thank you all enough for your kind words and advice xxx
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