Fed up. Nurse tomorrow.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm fed up. Already *sigh*

Ten weeks ago, when I gave birth, they took me off insulin, I assume because that's the standard thing to do when diabetes is diagnosed in pregnancy. I waited six weeks for my glucose tolerance test, failed it, and waited for my referral to the diabetes clinic. The appointment eventually came for October 8th, it'll be thirteen weeks after they took me off treatment. This morning the diabetes nurse rang to tell me I need to go in tomorrow to see her and be put on insulin.

They *knew* I was still going to be diabetic after I gave birth (it was diagnosed too early to be gestational and my hba1c sucked), and I'm cross that they took so bloody long to get me referred, especially now that they seem to be treating it as quite so urgent. I'd talked myself into some sort of calm that all would be well, it came as a bit of a shock this morning. And even though I *knew* it wouldn't go away after birth, it's still a shock to be going through all this again.

I don't know if any of that made sense. But I'm fed up, and cross, and really nervous about tomorrow. Why do they want to see me at such short notice after leaving me to my own devices for so long?!
I'm fed up. Already *sigh*

Ten weeks ago, when I gave birth, they took me off insulin, I assume because that's the standard thing to do when diabetes is diagnosed in pregnancy. I waited six weeks for my glucose tolerance test, failed it, and waited for my referral to the diabetes clinic. The appointment eventually came for October 8th, it'll be thirteen weeks after they took me off treatment. This morning the diabetes nurse rang to tell me I need to go in tomorrow to see her and be put on insulin.

They *knew* I was still going to be diabetic after I gave birth (it was diagnosed too early to be gestational and my hba1c sucked), and I'm cross that they took so bloody long to get me referred, especially now that they seem to be treating it as quite so urgent. I'd talked myself into some sort of calm that all would be well, it came as a bit of a shock this morning. And even though I *knew* it wouldn't go away after birth, it's still a shock to be going through all this again.

I don't know if any of that made sense. But I'm fed up, and cross, and really nervous about tomorrow. Why do they want to see me at such short notice after leaving me to my own devices for so long?!


Sorry to hear about this, how ridiculous you have been put through all this. Are they sure you are type 2 and not type 1. People under 40 ish can be diagnosed type 1 as well as kids. With adults though they tend to go for type 2 first and realise it was a misdiagnosis and you needed insulin all along. Maybe that could be why they are in a rush to see you.

Who knows. Maybe your appointment was there all the time but they forgot to tell you which is why it seems like a rush.

Good luck tomorrow, let us know how it goes.
We never reached an official decision on type 1/2. They tested for the antibodies and I don't have them, so can I assume that means I'm not type one? I've got a strong family history of diabetes, so I'm keeping MODY in mind too. Maybe they'll shed some light tomorrow!

Thanks for the luck 🙂
hi there cold sorry to hear of all whats happening like you say leaving you on your own for so long then suddenly wanting to see you would only naturally worry some one , i do hope all goes well tomorrow please let us know how it goes x
Sounds like you've really been messed around I hope tomorrow goes well and you get it sorted out once and for all. I don't blame you for being angry and nervous I would be too. Good luck anyway Emma x
Thanks Steff and Emma 🙂

It was all ok in the end (as it so often is 🙄). It really was just to get me on some medication and have a chat. My DSN is lovely, really supportive and helpful, at leas so far! She made some noises about metformin (from what I hear about metformin that might not be the best way of phrasing it 😉 ), but I said I'd rather go back onto insulin because we know it works, so that's what we did.

I feel much better about everything now it's under control and I know what's happening. She also reassured me lots about my dead relatives who were diabetic, mostly the fact that I'm still so young and we caught it so early counts in my favour.
hi ther cold im so pleased it was all ok, and you feel alot better x ty for letting us know

I'm so please things worked out better than you expected! Good for you for sticking to your guns about the insulin too - makes sense to me...if it works, stick with it! 🙂

Anyway, hopefully things will settle down a bit for you now - you deserve a good break!

All the best,

Glad your happy with the outcome - you have been through a rough time and hopefully things will start to settle down a bit for you.🙂Bev x
its awful how they overlook these things, glad you are getting sorted now though... it could be worse, they could have put it down to swine flu!

Julie x

PS congrats re baby 🙂
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