fed up and desperate

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Not feeling very happy this evening, not sure if a bit depressed or very depressed, crying as I type, how sad am I. Had a bad day at work, only been with this company 5 months feel stressed. I work in sales and try to keep my head down and keep out of the office politics. I am acheiving my tragets but he wants more. I don't think I have even encountered such a bitchy enviroment between sales reps, which is not new to me, Ive been a rep for 15 yearsand can normally cope.

I had a meeting with my boss today and I feel that my diabetes is in the way I try to hide my hypos and have had no time off except I finished at 4.30pm Friday to go to an optician appt which went down like a lead ballon. I feel I work hard put in the hours which I don't get extra pay for, as I feel I need to prove I am normal.

I feel so sad as a similar company I worked for 3 years ago treated me bad and I don't want this job to go the same way, I feel so embaressed when I mention I am type 1 and when I get tired or need a snack or hypo I feel like I am a freak.

I am sooooooo down, why me.............😱😱😱😱 I wish this what ever you want to call it would go away, I HATE IT. tear tear.

I don't remember feeling so very low wish I could curp up and never.......
Oooo Dawney, you are making me well up. I wish I could come give you a hug. My daughter just asked for a bear hug and I'm passing a bit of that on to you.

Why are you hiding the diabetes? Don't feel ashamed about it. It is not your fault. You should have some sort of support at work about it in my view.

Mostly you should have support from your team. Do you have a good team? They should have a psychologist. I have seen a psychologist 'work' with my daughter and it is amazing what you find out and the help that is available. You are entitled to see one and it should be worth it. I suggest you ask. You can't hold all this on your own shoulders. Do you have a partner at all? If so does he understand?

I really feel for you and would love to be able to really help.
Awww Dawney Im so sorry you feel so down today ((((hugs)))) We all get days when we feel we have to prove we can do things just as well if not better than "normal people " . If you need to chat feel free to PM me anytime . I hope you feel happier soon 🙂🙂
Hi Dawney,

I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling as you are. I know how you feel. I didn't have a great November last year because I was feeling pretty much the same as you. If you want I'm more than happy to talk to you by PM or over MSN, I can send you my details for that over a PM. I do absolutely resent and hate my diabetes at times because it's stopped me from doing my dream job and it has imposed a fair bit of trouble on my life. It's best to talk and I'm always happy to talk.

Fed Up


Thanks for being sooooo very kind, goodness me whats with me this eveing I can't stop the tears I will take some of you up on your kind offers to chat private, and thanks for the hug. My partner is great and a very loveing man.

I can't understand why I feel so hurt by my boss as I have given so much and feel so distrussed and freakish.

Tomorrows another day, maybe after a nights sleep I might feel better I hope so. I know you don't now me and this might sound very big headed but I am a very nice kind hearted person and try my best, maybe this why some people take advantage of my good nature. I must stand up for myself but I an soooo scared of being out of work.

I think I might chat with my boss tomorrow and give him an indication of how low I have felt this evening, what have I got to lose, hopefully not my job
Hi Dawney, well I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Boss's will always want more and if you're doing more hours than you should, they're not going to stop you. But if you're feel like you can talk to the boss, then that's good.

Have some good shut eye and take control tomorrow.

Take care

Yeah Dawney, good advice above!

I am sooooooo sorry to hear you are so upset. And I really, really REALLY hope things improve. Hate to think of you sad like this....

Lots and lots of love, L xxxx
hi Dawney im so osrry you feel as you do , please fell free like tohers have said to Pm me anyimte . we are all here for you hun we know what its like xxx

chin up

p.s please dont hide your hypos thery is nothing to be ashamed of , the people you feel you need to hide it from should understand xxx
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May be a bit late to say anything, but are you a union member? If so, they may be able to help. Anyway, hope you manage to sort out things. I completely understand why you choose to "hide" hypos - it's often better not to draw attention to your self and just eat something. Not that you should have to hide, of course.
I hope you are feeling better. I moved from a sales environment and even took a small pay cut and now do a job I am happier with. The pay cut was a down, but I get more annual leave, and as long as I have a card or letter to prove where I am, there is no problem getting time for necessary appointments.

Agree if there is union representation speak to them, or perhaps there is an HR advisor or welfare officer who can help? I'm sure things will improve for you
How are you feeling today, Dawney? I was so sad to read how down you were feeling yesterday.

Do let us know how you doing.

Sending a hug. 🙂
Hi, Sorry i wasnt online last night but thought id just check that you are ok today?

If you have a good boss then he should understand when a person is genuinely ill and allow for that, the problem is when you have people that "pull sickies" or are off with a tiny cold etc it does make you annoyed and then all sickness is frowned on. I have a great team NOW ( got rid of the baddies) and try to be kind and caring!.

Anyway chin up and i do hope it get sorted.

Julie x
Hi, Sorry i wasnt online last night but thought id just check that you are ok today?

If you have a good boss then he should understand when a person is genuinely ill and allow for that, the problem is when you have people that "pull sickies" or are off with a tiny cold etc it does make you annoyed and then all sickness is frowned on. I have a great team NOW ( got rid of the baddies) and try to be kind and caring!.

Anyway chin up and i do hope it get sorted.

Julie x

I agree wholeheartedly about al the folks who pull a sickie for something trivial making it bad for the genuine folks. It is also helpful to have an understanding manager, mine has been a shoulder to cry on when I was down too.

I hope things are improving.
Hi Dawney..

I wasnt around last night..I was so sorry to hear you were feeling down and upset...

I do hope today has been better for you..and you are feeling much better in yourself...

Take care

Hi Dawney , I hope you have had a better day today 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Hi there...I hope you are feeling brighter and happier! I have found this site to cheer me up to no end! As for your situation, I too hide hypos and in the end and still do, avoid them by binging on sugary stuff! I'm not suggesting that at all tho! I suppose what i'm trying to say is that I too have tried to hide from my diabetes during work and too have felt not as normal as the others. As for always going the extra mile at work, that maybe more to do with the career environment you are in? My partner is in sales and always feels undervalued and striving to please his boss! However, you boss must be blind if he doesn't appreciate you or recognise the work you put in! I hope that you have felt comforted by the posts on here and managed to discuss things with your boss, the issues will only fester inside if you don't mate! Good luck and chin up!x
Hi Dawney...

Sorry to hear you've been feeling down... How did things go today? I really hope you are feeling better and that things are improving at work. 🙂

All the best,

hi there dawney like everyone else how did it go today? hope you had a much better day and are feeling chipper xx
Fed up


Thanks I am feeling much better, I think that's its becouse its Friday.

Hopeing to have a quite, chilled relaxing weekend.

I can't get over how I was so very upset,if things don't settle in my job I might have to have a chat with myself and decide where I go from here.

Thanks again for your kind words, this is such a lovely site and even when your at your lowest, the support and love is amazing.

Thanks I am feeling much better, I think that's its becouse its Friday.

Hopeing to have a quite, chilled relaxing weekend.

I can't get over how I was so very upset,if things don't settle in my job I might have to have a chat with myself and decide where I go from here.

Thanks again for your kind words, this is such a lovely site and even when your at your lowest, the support and love is amazing.

Hi Dawney , Im glad you are happier today , Yay Friday , try and have a nice weekend and forget about work . I think we all get days when everything gets on top of us , its good that you have a supportive partner though . If you ever need to rant , moan or just talk we are all here for you anytime . Have a lovely weekend !! xxx AM
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