Fatty Lump Removal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have to have a fatty lump (or at least what I hope is a fatty lump) removed surgically on Friday and wondered if anyone else has had this done?

They tell me its 2cm by 2cm by 2cm and will be done under local anaesthetic.

Im passing it off as not been bothered about it to friends and family etc but am bricking it really so just wondered if anyone knew what it was like?

Many Thanks

Hey Bob was wondering about you the other day had not seen you about on the boards, i cant really relate well i have had 2 lumps removed from under my armpit so maybe i can a little but i had to have the general anistetic anyway good luck for friday bob hope it all goes well xx All i can say for me was it was the waiting around that did my head in i just wanted it done and over with
I've had a couple of cysts removed over the years, one by keyhole surgery, one was lasered. A doddle both times. I was in and out the same day, within two hours after the laser jobby. The worst part was waiting a couple of weeks for confirmation that they were benign, they were.

Good luck for Friday.
Had one removed from my leg about 12 years ago - op was minor and the lump was bening soprob nowt to worry about
Had tiny thing removed from side of face under a local a few years ago. Didn't hurt but the noise was not good that close to my ear 🙂

Funnily enough I found a lump this morning on the side of my body, so panicked and went to the docs today. He said it is a 1.5 cm fatty lump, not just fat people, skinny ones get these too (I always ask as am vastly overweight). He said just gristle but can cut it out and send it off if I want to just to be sure. So I said yes and am being put on the doc's waiting list (about 2 months apparently) and they will do it under a local at the surgery, will have a 2 cm scar and stitches, can't shower for couple of day 😱 (love my shower) and then have to have stitches removed.

EEK am quite nervous, absolutely hate needles in me (I would be a rubbish type 1 diabetes, don't have a problem shoving needles in anyone else).

Guess you will be having the same kind of thing. I always ask all the minute details.

What a coincidence.
Bob, I had a 'fatty lump' removed from the inside of of my arm, just above the wrist

I was advised that some people are prone to 'fatty lumps'

It was sent off to be biopsied, came back OK

Don't worry too much - you will be fine
I had a cyst removed from my forehead last year (before i knew i was diabetic) and it was OK, you'll be fine 🙂
yet another bob i had one removed from my breast many years back under local anesthetic and all was fine xxx good luck xx🙂
From what others have told me, anything done under a local anasthetic is quite simple and is done very quickly. Most people are home with a day at the longest. If you are worried when you get there ask them to explain the procedure. they are normally willing to explain to help you feel happier and more comfortable.

Good luck with it, although I am sure it will be a doddle once you get there.
hi i would not worry to much , it's a simple procedure , i had a lump on my leg for over 20 years which turned red and itchy so i had it removed at my GP surgery and they tested it as a precaution and it was fine , i have a couple of others which my doctor has checked and she said leave them unless they cause a problem
Hi Bob
Hope the removal goes well. One tip - have some painkillers eg paracetamol, to hand and take regular doses for 24 hours. As others have said, waiting for the results can be stressful.
Hi Bob was just wondering how it went on Friday? x
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