Father-of-two almost dies after chemist gives him diabetes drugs

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A father-of-two almost died after Lloyds Pharmacy staff gave him the wrong medicine.
Richard Whipps, 38, who had a chest infection, was wrongly given diabetic medication instead of steroids for asthma by his local Lloyds Pharmacy.
Although the sticker on the packet detailed the medication Mr Whipps was supposed to have the tablets inside were the wrong kind.

Mr Whipps, who has three-year-old twin daughters, had to be rushed to hospital twice after he took the drugs and felt unwell.
It was only when Mr Whipps' wife Debbie researched the name 'Gliclazide' that was on the packet it was realised the medication was a hypoglycaemic anti-diabetic drug.

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