Fasting Blood Test!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This morning I went for a fasting blood test and as usual life took one of its twists. I seem fated with fasting blood tests. A few years ago I could not get an appointment at the local hospital (appointments only) so went over to the main one. They operate a basic ?first come first served? system ? or should do. I waited over two and a half hours while various people were prioritised in front of me. When my turn came the phlebotomist said that I should have told them I was a fasting diabetic as we tend to do things like faint or go hypo (a tad unprofessional I thought). I said (after she had removed the needle) that the form requested two fasting tests and had DIABETIC written across it by my GP. Afterwards I wandered over to the restaurant and had a ?full English? at staff rates ? I think they assumed I was a consultant as I was ?booted and suited? and carrying a briefcase! The next one I went hypo in the early hours and the one after that I had a fasting BS of a staggering 16.7, i.e. about +10 on what I expected.

On to today?s. Last night I was delayed getting home. When I did I had indigestion (unusual for me) and so did not eat till nearly 10:00. My BG looked fine at midnight as I went to bed (as would be having a lay in) but I awoke at 4:00 felling a bit odd. My BS was 3.0 and I felt it was a bit to risky to try and tough it out so treated the oncoming hypo. The phlebotomist was none to bothered and just told me to mention it to the GP. Afterwards it was a shot of insulin followed by a large cup of coffee with milk and both a sausage and a ?bacon and cheese? wrap. Think it must have doubled my cholesterol! Am I the only one these things happen to?
no falcon it happens to us all !!! i must admit when i go for fasting bloods now i tell the volunteer receptionst im a fasting diabetic ....who usually rushes me through and then gives me a digestive biscuit!
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