Fasting Blood Test Query.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I have to go for a fasting blood test this week at 10.30 in the morning. I know that if I do not eat in the morning my blood sugar will go low (hypo) so what do I do? If I take glucose will it skew the results?

Tests are for;
Haematology-FBC differential & B12
Biochemistry - Urea, Liver function, Lipid profile, Blood glucose, HbA1C

I have to go for a fasting blood test this week at 10.30 in the morning. I know that if I do not eat in the morning my blood sugar will go low (hypo) so what do I do? If I take glucose will it skew the results?

Tests are for;
Haematology-FBC differential & B12
Biochemistry - Urea, Liver function, Lipid profile, Blood glucose, HbA1C

I would check whether it is essential that it is a fasting sample that is needed and explain why.
It may be better for the Lipid profile and fasting blood glucose but the others are usually non fasting tests.
I think fasting would normally be nothing other than water from 12 midnight the night before./
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