Fasting Blood Sugar Best time to check

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes

I want to know the best time to check fasting blood sugar and in my case it varies - I am prediabetic, in week days I am up around 8AM and in weekends I am up around 10AM - so readings is change as well. similarly when I check the reading right I am up from bed, it's different and after 30 minutes to 1 hours after wake up it's different.

So I want to know for fasting blood sugar how to get accurate result and what things I should consider before checking my blood sugar level.
If you’re going to check it in morning do it immediately after you wake as the liver starts chucking out glucose to give you energy as I guess it thinks it needs to. It’s annoying as unless your on medication there is little you can do to stop it! If I leave it for an hr I can get mid 6’s mol/l if I do it straight away it’s usually high 4’s or low 5’s. In the end I gave up checking in mornings as I know what I can eat for breakfast and then test two hrs after if I feel like it, generally all is well. Try 4 hrs after breakfast to see what you get, I am usually in the low 5’s after that time which is technically fasting.
As soon as you wake up, doesn’t matter what time that is
You are really looking at trends rather than individual readings as there will always be some variation due to numerous factors. Monitors are allowed a degree of variability anyway.
What you are likely seeing is what is referred to as Foot on the Floor Syndrome and is exactly as described, your liver being super helpful.
Testing you do need to be for a purpose, to test the effect of meals so you can modify what you eat or portion size, check day to day, week to week progress or if you feel unwell.
Keeping a good record of your meals and reading will help you with a plan of action if you need to.
It's also worth mentioning that a fasting test should be after at least 8 hours of nothing to eat or drink except water (NHS), so on waking is the most convenient time.
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