Fasting blood sugar before and after metformin

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes

Would you please share your experience with Metformin and your blood glucose, mainly fasting? I've tried to find with the search engine, but didn't. If you know of such a thread, please, help me find it if you have the time.

I've read a paper where it is said the impact is of about 1%. I'd like to know of people's experiences, since we're all so different.

Thank you so much!
I found similar papers - at 2000mg the effect maxed out and the max effect could be between 1% and 2% of hba1c. I think the effect on FBG was something between 1-2 mmol/L. I can't remember exactly. I seem to recall that going up to 2500mg didn't have much more effect than 2000mg. (This means that some people may see no real effect, others see a fairly significant effect.)

I think the tests were with patients who were not doing low carb diet.

As my GP friend told me: "Lifestyle change will make much more difference than Metformin."

I was interested in how much effect 500mg (My current dose) would have, and I think the answer is 'not a lot' - on paper I read classed a dose of < 1500mg as 'clinically insignificant.'

I don't know how much it affecting mine, as I went low carb as soon as I was diagnosed. To find out the real effect you'd have to carry on your normal diet and see if the hba1c/FBG comes down.
Thank you for the information, @harbottle !

I think we've read the same paper. One thing I wasn't sure if I got right from the numbers when I read it: the 1% of A1b would be going down from, say 5.7% to 5.6%? Or rather 5.7%-0.01*5.7%=5.64%? Not that it matters much, just curious.

About the FBG, that'd be quite a lot, if 1 mmol/L = 18 mg/dL: if one's prediabetic with a FBG of 110 and it went down to 92 mg/dL.
I think it means going from, say, 7.6% to 6.6% (Or in new numbers, reduction of 13mmol/mol)

Not sure about FBG...

It wouldn't dent my hba1c of 9.7 (83) much, but diet certainly did.
Thank you for the information, @harbottle !

I think we've read the same paper. One thing I wasn't sure if I got right from the numbers when I read it: the 1% of A1b would be going down from, say 5.7% to 5.6%? Or rather 5.7%-0.01*5.7%=5.64%? Not that it matters much, just curious.

About the FBG, that'd be quite a lot, if 1 mmol/L = 18 mg/dL: if one's prediabetic with a FBG of 110 and it went down to 92 mg/dL.
It's a fairly substantial shift, it's a step change, not a change of 1% on the original figure.
Wow, then it's a lot!
I think that's at Max dose - 2000/2500mg. (I believe upping to 2000mg makes quite a difference from 1000mg, but adding more doesn't make much difference.)

I did read a paper that looked at 500mg/750mg being used on T2 patients that were not obese or badly overweight (BMI of 25) and it made a difference to their hba1c.

Which reminds me - I forgot to take my Metformin this morning! Again.
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