Fasting BG

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I have been doing low carb for a month now and taking 2x metformin a day but I can’t seem to get my FBG down. It’s normally the highest reading of the day at 11.7 currently. My hba1c was 106 and is now around 68 according to the mySugr app so there is progress but FBG hasn’t moved hardly in 2 weeks. Any advice as I’m getting a bit disheartened! I’m doing less than 50g carbs most days and no processed food.
Give it time.
You’re doing great.
I find for me the mySugr app estimate of HBA1C is lower than my actual lab HBA1C.
That makes sense as mysugr can only extrapolate from the data it has and that’s just snapshots.
Yeah, I guess the app's accuracy depends on how many readings you take. If you miss a lot of highs then it'll be biased towards the lower end.
Quite a few people find their morning readings remain stubbornly high and are the last ones to come down, but some people do get 'Foot on the Floor' syndrome where the liver tries to be helpful and releases glucose to give you energy for the hunt for breakfast clearly a hang over from our ancestors but hardly necessary these days when a trip to the fridge is all that is needed.
Try testing before you even get out of bed as that may make a difference rather than after pottering about.
But it sounds as if you are doing really well with what you are doing.
I find for me the mySugr app estimate of HBA1C is lower than my actual lab HBA1C.
That’s good to know so I won’t be disappointed when I get the test again in May! And I’ll try testing before I get up.
Hi. I wouldn't worry too much about the FBG as it will be affected by the Dawn glucose dump. Concentrate more on the 2 hr post meal reading.
Low carb normally gives a higher morning result.
Just the way it is.
Gutted this morning with FBG of 12.8!
I had a 10g carb dinner at 8:30 last night and a cup of tea at midnight. Nothing to eat so far today and have been cleaning and moving around and get this reading! It’s going up not down and I’m feeling a bit worried and upset!
Gutted this morning with FBG of 12.8!
I had a 10g carb dinner at 8:30 last night and a cup of tea at midnight. Nothing to eat so far today and have been cleaning and moving around and get this reading! It’s going up not down and I’m feeling a bit worried and upset!
Could be that because you haven't eaten your liver is being super helpful and releasing glucose to give you some energy for all your cleaning and activity.
Ah sorry you are having such a frustrating time with your FBGs @kazz94

Some people do seem to get a more pronounced ‘dawn phenomenon’ (liver dump) than others.

And as @Leadinglights suggests, sometimes not eating can actually put the liver in a slightly flappy mood where it dumps even more glucose.

There are some people who find a lowish carb snack just before bed (eg an oat cracker with some cheese) can reassure the liver that you aren’t going to expire from starvation overnight and reduce the impact of the dump.

Have you tried a 3am check yet? Do you know when your BG begins to climb?
Hi, I have been doing a check in middle of night and it’s around 8.5-9.3. Seems to be higher when I have no food after a certain time abs so will try eating something before bed abs testing before I get up. I have been trying intermittent fasting so that could be a reason too.
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