Fasting BG - please help

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All

I'm hoping to do a overnight basal test soon but I've never done one before and my DSN was fairly clueless when I spoke to her about it.

I know many of you on here will have done them before so was hoping you could give me a step by step guide and some tips?

Hi, any chance you could get a continuous glucose monitor from your team for a few days ? Might make things bit easier, esp if just starting out on the pump. Good luck 🙂
Urban, this is a gradual process. It's all very well testing every 2 hours in the day but maybe not at night and hard to know whether one's BG when only being allowed to sleep properly for what? an hour a a time? tells the correct story of what happens when you sleep all night !

The advice re getting Bolus out of your system is fine.

My Hosp say test at 3 am for 3 nights. Not in successive nights. And see what that tells you. Then 5am ditto. I've done that and no pattern (which is a problem I had before the pump so nowt new there LOL) so now I have to do 3 and 5 consecutively on 3 nights if you see what I mean.
Thanks everyone.
Some very good points there trophywench, spoke to my DSN today and she was clueless about basal testing. So I think I might do as you sasy and test at the same time each night.
Fasting BG

Sorry you don't have a good Diabetes nurse - mine is brilliant and has helped me through a few almost major incidents. She has given me step by step instructions for 3 sets of basal rate tests - one morning / one afternoon and one overnight - if you'd be interested in seeing them - I'm happy to oblige.
I don't think anyone's BS can be as all over the place as mine are/were - so I did my overnight tests during the weekend - and then had a nap the following day as I knew I wouldn't be up to doing them on a working day.
I even have instructions on how to get your food bolus correct and a test for this - being a diabetic a long time - and one who can get ketosis within hours - you learn and digest.

If you'd like the instructions, please just email me and I'll forward them through to you.
Good luck with test but what i am realy doing is congratulating on your bird symbbol. Very good !
Personally I when I do a night basal test I do every hour and I think it's better to do it this way...

As if you do it on consective nights, then you've to have not only similar starting BG, but your whole day has to be pretty similar as well.. Otherwise this will effect your result and could distort it more than waking up every hour...

But Seeing if clinic has a loanable CGM is a pretty good idea, as at the moment this is about the only time that I would say for me personally it would really be useful..
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