Fasted blood sugar levels and dehydration?


Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hello, hoping someone can advise? I am prediabetic and on the week 6 of 8 week blood sugar diet. It’s going well, I have lost over a stone but am very thirsty and dehydrated generally until lunchtime (drinking lots of pints of water). When I wake I am dehydrated, when I get up in the night I am dehydrated, and on waking on the morning my fasted blood sugar levels are much much higher than after an hour, still fasted, when I’ve had a couple of pints water. Which reading should I trust? Could the dehydration be altering things?
Excessive thirst is one of the symptoms of high BG. What numbers are you seeing?
Morning /fasting readings are sometimes remain high for some people as the liver releases glucose to give you the energy for organs to function, depending on when it happens Dawn Phenomenon or Foot on the Floor syndrome.
It may then be your activity then uses up the released glucose by the time you test 1 hour later.
If you are feeling thirsty then that could be high blood glucose but symptoms like that don't usually occur when people are in the prediabetic range.
The weight people lose when they cut down on carbs is often loss off fluid which can make people feel dehydrated so you are doing the right thing by drinking plenty but you may need to replace electrolytes as well.
Thanks folks. My numbers aren’t high relatively speaking - when I test first thing it’s 6.8, then after the water and an hour it’s 5.8 (which is great!) but I was just not sure about the difference.
Thanks folks. My numbers aren’t high relatively speaking - when I test first thing it’s 6.8, then after the water and an hour it’s 5.8 (which is great!) but I was just not sure about the difference.
It could easily be your body is releasing stored glucose to prepare you for the day's hunting and gathering ahead, then as you move about, you start to burn it off.

As a general point, fasted numbers are often the last to come into line with generally improved blood sugars.
How much are you drinking in 24 hours?

My blood thickened due to dehydration. To put that right I now drink from a couple of flasks of various hot/warm infusions, such as lemon and ginger, instead of cold water.
I’m drinking a couple of cups of hot water / lemon, but mostly it is maybe six pints of water a day, maybe more. Just seems a lot! Due to see my gp anyway so will ask. Thanks for the response.
I’m drinking a couple of cups of hot water / lemon, but mostly it is maybe six pints of water a day, maybe more. Just seems a lot! Due to see my gp anyway so will ask. Thanks for the response.
Yes I think you should ask your GP as that is quite a lot to still be feeling thirsty. Does that mean you are also having to make many loo visits.
I’m drinking a couple of cups of hot water / lemon, but mostly it is maybe six pints of water a day, maybe more. Just seems a lot! Due to see my gp anyway so will ask. Thanks for the response.

That’s a lot of water! As your blood sugar isn’t that high, I’d be considering other causes eg mouth-breathing overnight or an issue with your salivary glands, which is what a friend had and what caused her almost constant water drinking.